Francesca Pelosi
Francesca Pelosi
Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
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Isogeometric analysis with Powell–Sabin splines for advection–diffusion–reaction problems
H Speleers, C Manni, F Pelosi, ML Sampoli
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 221, 132-148, 2012
Generalized B-splines as a tool in isogeometric analysis
C Manni, F Pelosi, ML Sampoli
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 200 (5-8), 867-881, 2011
On the spectrum of stiffness matrices arising from isogeometric analysis
C Garoni, C Manni, F Pelosi, S Serra-Capizzano, H Speleers
Numerische Mathematik 127, 751-799, 2014
Quasi-interpolation in isogeometric analysis based on generalized B-splines
P Costantini, C Manni, F Pelosi, ML Sampoli
Computer Aided Geometric Design 27 (8), 656-668, 2010
Geometric Hermite interpolation by spatial Pythagorean-hodograph cubics
F Pelosi, RT Farouki, C Manni, A Sestini
Advances in Computational Mathematics 22, 325-352, 2005
A control polygon scheme for design of planar C2 PH quintic spline curves
F Pelosi, ML Sampoli, RT Farouki, C Manni
Computer Aided Geometric Design 24 (1), 28-52, 2007
From NURBS to NURPS geometries
H Speleers, C Manni, F Pelosi
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 255, 238-254, 2013
Adaptive isogeometric analysis with hierarchical box splines
T Kanduč, C Giannelli, F Pelosi, H Speleers
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 316, 817-838, 2017
Isogeometric analysis in advection–diffusion problems: Tension splines approximation
C Manni, F Pelosi, ML Sampoli
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 236 (4), 511-528, 2011
Adaptive refinement with locally linearly independent LR B-splines: Theory and applications
F Patrizi, C Manni, F Pelosi, H Speleers
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 369, 113230, 2020
Local Hierarchical h-Refinements in IgA Based on Generalized B-Splines
C Manni, F Pelosi, H Speleers
Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces: 8th International Conference …, 2014
Shape-preserving approximation of spatial data
P Costantini, F Pelosi
Advances in Computational Mathematics 20, 25-51, 2004
Shape-preserving approximation by space curves
P Costantini, F Pelosi
Numerical Algorithms 27 (3), 237-264, 2001
Design of C 2 Spatial Pythagorean-Hodograph Quintic Spline Curves by Control Polygons
RT Farouki, C Manni, F Pelosi, ML Sampoli
Curves and Surfaces: 7th International Conference, Avignon, France, June 24 …, 2012
Splines over regular triangulations in numerical simulation
F Pelosi, C Giannelli, C Manni, ML Sampoli, H Speleers
Computer-Aided Design 82, 100-111, 2017
New spline spaces with generalized tension properties
P Costantini, F Pelosi, ML Sampoli
BIT Numerical Mathematics 48, 665-688, 2008
Approximation of monotone clothoid segments by degree 7 Pythagorean–hodograph curves
RT Farouki, F Pelosi, ML Sampoli
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 382, 113110, 2021
An immersed-isogeometric model: application to linear elasticity and implementation with THBox-splines
C Giannelli, T Kanduč, F Pelosi, H Speleers
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 349, 410-423, 2019
Shape preserving histogram approximation
P Costantini, F Pelosi
Advances in Computational Mathematics 26, 205-230, 2007
Stable, linear spline wavelets on nonuniform knots with vanishing moments
T Lyche, K Mørken, F Pelosi
Computer aided geometric design 26 (2), 203-216, 2009
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