Nicoletta Cancrini
Nicoletta Cancrini
Professore Probabilità e Statistica, Università L'Aquila
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The stochastic heat equation: Feynman-Kac formula and intermittence
L Bertini, N Cancrini
Journal of statistical Physics 78, 1377-1401, 1995
The stochastic Burgers equation
L Bertini, N Cancrini, G Jona-Lasinio
Communications in Mathematical Physics 165, 211-232, 1994
Kinetically constrained spin models
N Cancrini, F Martinelli, C Roberto, C Toninelli
Probability theory and related fields 140 (3), 459-504, 2008
The spectral gap for a Glauber-type dynamics in a continuous gas
L Bertini, N Cancrini, F Cesi
Annales de l'IHP Probabilités et statistiques 38 (1), 91-108, 2002
The two-dimensional stochastic heat equation: renormalizing a multiplicative noise
L Bertini, N Cancrini
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 31 (2), 615, 1998
Phase separation and superconductivity in the Kondo-like spin-hole coupled model
N Cancrini, S Caprara, C Castellani, C Di Castro, M Grilli, R Raimondi
Europhysics Letters 14 (6), 597, 1991
On the spectral gap of Kawasaki dynamics under a mixing condition revisited
N Cancrini, F Martinelli
Journal of Mathematical Physics 41 (3), 1391-1423, 2000
The logarithmic Sobolev constant of Kawasaki dynamics under a mixing condition revisited
N Cancrini, F Martinelli, C Roberto
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics 38 (4 …, 2002
Fredrickson-Andersen one spin facilitated model out of equilibrium
O Blondel, N Cancrini, F Martinelli, C Roberto, C Toninelli
arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.4584, 2012
Facilitated oriented spin models: some non equilibrium results
N Cancrini, F Martinelli, R Schonmann, C Toninelli
Journal of statistical physics 138, 1109-1123, 2010
Kinetically constrained lattice gases
N Cancrini, F Martinelli, C Roberto, C Toninelli
Communications in Mathematical Physics 297 (2), 299-344, 2010
Facilitated spin models: recent and new results
M Biskup, A Bovier, F den Hollander, D Ioffe, F Martinelli, K Netočný, ...
Methods of contemporary mathematical statistical physics, 307-340, 2009
Comparison of finite volume canonical and grand canonical Gibbs measures under a mixing condition
N Cancrini, F Martinelli
Relaxation times of kinetically constrained spin models with glassy dynamics
N Cancrini, F Martinelli, C Roberto, C Toninelli
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2007 (03), L03001, 2007
The spectral gap for the Kawasaki dynamics at low temperature
N Cancrini, F Cesi, F Martinelli
Journal of statistical physics 95, 215-271, 1999
On the dynamical behavior of the ABC model
L Bertini, N Cancrini, G Posta
Journal of Statistical Physics 144, 1284-1307, 2011
Ensemble dependence of fluctuations: canonical microcanonical equivalence of ensembles
N Cancrini, S Olla
Journal of Statistical Physics 168, 707-730, 2017
Diffusive long-time behavior of Kawasaki dynamics
N Cancrini, F Cesi, C Roberto
Mixing time of a kinetically constrained spin model on trees: power law scaling at criticality
N Cancrini, F Martinelli, C Roberto, C Toninelli
Probability Theory and Related Fields 161 (1), 247-266, 2015
Kinetically constrained models
N Cancrini, F Martinelli, C Roberto, C Toninelli
New Trends in Mathematical Physics: Selected contributions of the XVth …, 2009
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Articles 1–20