cinzia freschi
cinzia freschi
EndoCAS -Università di Pisa
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Technical review of the da Vinci surgical telemanipulator
C Freschi, V Ferrari, F Melfi, M Ferrari, F Mosca, A Cuschieri
The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery …, 2013
Augmented reality as an aid in maxillofacial surgery: validation of a wearable system allowing maxillary repositioning
G Badiali, V Ferrari, F Cutolo, C Freschi, D Caramella, A Bianchi, ...
Journal of cranio-Maxillofacial surgery 42 (8), 1970-1976, 2014
Experimental evaluation of two commercial force sensors for applications in biomechanics and motor control
F Vecchi, C Freschi, S Micera, AM Sabatini, P Dario, R Sacchetti
5th Ann. Conf. of Int. FES, 2000
A simple robotic system for neurorehabilitation
S Micera, MC Carrozza, E Guglielmelli, G Cappiello, F Zaccone, C Freschi, ...
Autonomous Robots 19, 271-284, 2005
Electromagnetic navigation platform for endovascular surgery: how to develop sensorized catheters and guidewires
S Condino, V Ferrari, C Freschi, A Alberti, R Berchiolli, F Mosca, M Ferrari
The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery …, 2012
Patient-specific ultrasound liver phantom: materials and fabrication method
A Pacioni, M Carbone, C Freschi, R Viglialoro, V Ferrari, M Ferrari
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 10, 1065-1075, 2015
Robust and accurate algorithm for wearable stereoscopic augmented reality with three indistinguishable markers
F Cutolo, C Freschi, S Mascioli, PD Parchi, M Ferrari, V Ferrari
Electronics 5 (3), 59, 2016
Autostereoscopic three-dimensional viewer evaluation through comparison with conventional interfaces in laparoscopic surgery
M Silvestri, M Simi, C Cavallotti, M Vatteroni, V Ferrari, C Freschi, ...
Surgical innovation 18 (3), 223-230, 2011
EndoCAS navigator platform: a common platform for computer and robotic assistance in minimally invasive surgery
G Megali, V Ferrari, C Freschi, B Morabito, F Cavallo, G Turini, E Troia, ...
The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery …, 2008
Hybrid simulation using mixed reality for interventional ultrasound imaging training
C Freschi, S Parrini, N Dinelli, M Ferrari, V Ferrari
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 10, 1109-1115, 2015
Ultrasound guided robotic biopsy using augmented reality and human-robot cooperative control
C Freschi, E Troia, V Ferrari, G Megali, A Pietrabissa, F Mosca
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
3D ultrasound centerline tracking of abdominal vessels for endovascular navigation
L Zhang, S Parrini, C Freschi, V Ferrari, S Condino, M Ferrari, ...
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 9, 127-135, 2014
Comparative health technology assessment of robotic-assisted, direct manual laparoscopic and open surgery: a prospective study
G Turchetti, F Pierotti, I Palla, S Manetti, C Freschi, V Ferrari, A Cuschieri
Surgical Endoscopy 31, 543-551, 2017
A wearable augmented reality platform for telemedicine
M Carbone, C Freschi, S Mascioli, V Ferrari, M Ferrari
Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics: Third …, 2016
On the development of a cybernetic hand prosthesis
P Dario, MC Carrozza, A Menciassi, S Micera, M Zecca, G Cappiello, ...
Third IARP International Workshop on Humanoid and Human Friendly Robotics …, 2002
Augmented reality system for freehand guide of magnetic endovascular devices
S Parrini, F Cutolo, C Freschi, M Ferrari, V Ferrari
2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2014
Force control during grasp using FES techniques: preliminary results
C Freschi, F Vecchi, S Micera, AM Sabatini, P Dario
5th annual conference of the international functional electrical stimulation …, 2000
New training methods based on mixed reality for interventional ultrasound: Design and validation
M Francesconi, C Freschi, S Sinceri, M Carbone, C Cappelli, L Morelli, ...
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
AR visualization of “synthetic Calot’s triangle” for training in cholecystectomy
R Viglialoro, S Condino, C Freschi, F Cutolo, M Gesi, M Ferrari, V Ferrari
12th IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, BioMed, 2016
On the analysis of knee biomechanics using a wearable biomechatronic device
S Micera, J Carpaneto, A Scoglio, F Zaccone, C Freschi, E Guglielmelli, ...
2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2004
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Articoli 1–20