Andrea Loddo
Cited by
Cited by
Deep learning based pipelines for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis: a comparative study and a novel deep-ensemble method
A Loddo, S Buttau, C Di Ruberto
Computers in biology and medicine 141, 105032, 2022
A novel deep learning based approach for seed image classification and retrieval
A Loddo, M Loddo, C Di Ruberto
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 187, 106269, 2021
Cryptocurrency scams: analysis and perspectives
M Bartoletti, S Lande, A Loddo, L Pompianu, S Serusi
Ieee Access 9, 148353-148373, 2021
Recent advances of malaria parasites detection systems based on mathematical morphology
A Loddo, C Di Ruberto, M Kocher
Sensors 18 (2), 513, 2018
Detection of red and white blood cells from microscopic blood images using a region proposal approach
C Di Ruberto, A Loddo, L Putzu
Computers in biology and medicine 116, 103530, 2020
Blob detection and deep learning for leukemic blood image analysis
C Di Ruberto, A Loddo, G Puglisi
Applied Sciences 10 (3), 1176, 2020
MP-IDB: the malaria parasite image database for image processing and analysis
A Loddo, C Di Ruberto, M Kocher, G Prod’Hom
Processing and Analysis of Biomedical Information: First International …, 2019
A leucocytes count system from blood smear images: Segmentation and counting of white blood cells based on learning by sampling
C Di Ruberto, A Loddo, L Putzu
Machine Vision and Applications 27, 1151-1160, 2016
An empirical evaluation of convolutional networks for malaria diagnosis
A Loddo, C Fadda, C Di Ruberto
Journal of Imaging 8 (3), 66, 2022
Deep learning for covid-19 diagnosis from ct images
A Loddo, F Pili, C Di Ruberto
Applied Sciences 11 (17), 8227, 2021
A computer-aided system for differential count from peripheral blood cell images
A Loddo, L Putzu, C Di Ruberto, G Fenu
2016 12th International conference on signal-image technology & internet …, 2016
An effective and friendly tool for seed image analysis
A Loddo, C Di Ruberto, A Vale, M Ucchesu, JM Soares, G Bacchetta
The Visual Computer 39 (1), 335-352, 2023
A multiple classifier learning by sampling system for white blood cells segmentation
C Di Ruberto, A Loddo, L Putzu
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 16th International Conference …, 2015
1st workshop on maritime computer vision (macvi) 2023: Challenge results
B Kiefer, M Kristan, J Perš, L Žust, F Poiesi, F Andrade, A Bernardino, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2023
Learning by sampling for white blood cells segmentation
C Di Ruberto, A Loddo, L Putzu
Image Analysis and Processing—ICIAP 2015: 18th International Conference …, 2015
A deep learning based framework for malaria diagnosis on high variation data set
L Zedda, A Loddo, C Di Ruberto
International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, 358-370, 2022
On the efficacy of handcrafted and deep features for seed image classification
A Loddo, C Di Ruberto
Journal of Imaging 7 (9), 171, 2021
On the effectiveness of leukocytes classification methods in a real application scenario
A Loddo, L Putzu
Ai 2 (3), 394-412, 2021
A leucocytes count system from blood smear images.
C Ruberto, A Loddo, L Putzu
Machine Vision & Applications 27 (8), 2016
Invariant moments, textural and deep features for diagnostic MR and CT image retrieval
L Putzu, A Loddo, CD Ruberto
International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 287-297, 2021
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Articles 1–20