Antonella Nota
Antonella Nota
Emeritus Astronomer, STScI
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Spitzer survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy’s Evolution (SAGE). I. Overview and initial results
M Meixner, KD Gordon, R Indebetouw, JL Hora, B Whitney, R Blum, ...
The Astronomical Journal 132 (6), 2268, 2006
The James Webb space telescope mission
JP Gardner, JC Mather, R Abbott, JS Abell, M Abernathy, FE Abney, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 135 (1048), 068001, 2023
Nebulae around luminous blue variables: a unified picture
A Nota, M Livio, M Clampin, R Schulte-Ladbeck
Astrophysical Journal v. 448, p. 788 448, 788, 1995
Luminous Blue Variables: massive stars in transition
A Nota, H Lamers
Luminous Blue Variables: Massive Stars in Transition 120, 1997
Age determination of six intermediate-age Small Magellanic Cloud star clusters with HST/ACS
K Glatt, EK Grebel, E Sabbi, JS Gallagher, A Nota, M Sirianni, ...
The Astronomical Journal 136 (4), 1703, 2008
Spitzer Sage Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud. III. Star formation and∼ 1000 new candidate young stellar objects
BA Whitney, M Sewilo, R Indebetouw, TP Robitaille, M Meixner, K Gordon, ...
The Astronomical Journal 136 (1), 18, 2008
High resolution imaging of galaxy cores
P Crane, M Stiavelli, IR King, JM Deharveng, R Albrecht, C Barbieri, ...
Astronomical Journal (ISSN 0004-6256), vol. 106, no. 4, p. 1371-1393, 1707 …, 1993
Legacy extragalactic uv survey (legus) with the hubble space telescope. i. survey description
D Calzetti, JC Lee, E Sabbi, A Adamo, LJ Smith, JE Andrews, L Ubeda, ...
The Astronomical Journal 149 (2), 51, 2015
The JWST early release observations
KM Pontoppidan, J Barrientes, C Blome, H Braun, M Brown, M Carruthers, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 936 (1), L14, 2022
Spitzer SAGE survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud II: Evolved Stars and Infrared Color Magnitude Diagrams
RD Blum, JR Mould, KA Olsen, JA Frogel, M Werner, M Meixner, ...
arXiv preprint astro-ph/0608189, 2006
First results from the Faint Object Camera-SN 1987A
P Jakobsen, R Albrecht, C Barbieri, JC Blades, A Boksenberg, P Crane, ...
Astrophysical Journal, Part 2-Letters (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 369, March 10 …, 1991
Spitzer survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud, surveying the agents of a galaxy's evolution (sage). IV. Dust properties in the interstellar medium
JP Bernard, WT Reach, D Paradis, M Meixner, R Paladini, A Kawamura, ...
The Astronomical Journal 136 (3), 919, 2008
Blue stragglers in the core of the globular cluster 47 Tucanae
F Paresce, M Shara, G Meylan, D Baxter, P Greenfield, R Jedrzejewski, ...
Nature 352 (6333), 297-301, 1991
The resolved stellar population of the poststarburst galaxy NGC 1569
L Greggio, M Tosi, M Clampin, G De Marchi, C Leitherer, A Nota, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 504 (2), 725, 1998
Legacy ExtraGalactic UV Survey with The Hubble Space Telescope: Stellar Cluster Catalogs and First Insights Into Cluster Formation and Evolution in NGC 628∗
A Adamo, JE Ryon, M Messa, H Kim, K Grasha, DO Cook, D Calzetti, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 841 (2), 131, 2017
The low end of the initial mass function in young Large Magellanic Cloud clusters. I. The case of R136
M Sirianni, A Nota, C Leitherer, G De Marchi, M Clampin
The Astrophysical Journal 533 (1), 203, 2000
Past and present star formation in the SMC: NGC 346 and its neighborhood
E Sabbi, M Sirianni, A Nota, M Tosi, J Gallagher, M Meixner, MS Oey, ...
The Astronomical Journal 133 (1), 44, 2006
The nicmos snapshot survey of nearby galaxies
T Böker, D Calzetti, W Sparks, D Axon, LE Bergeron, H Bushouse, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 124 (1), 95, 1999
An accurate age determination for the small magellanic cloud star cluster NGC 121 with the Hubble Space Telescope/advanced camera for surveys
K Glatt, JS Gallagher, EK Grebel, A Nota, E Sabbi, M Sirianni, ...
The Astronomical Journal 135 (4), 1106, 2008
The low end of the initial mass function in young clusters. II. Evidence for primordial mass segregation in NGC 330 in the Small Magellanic Cloud
M Sirianni, A Nota, G De Marchi, C Leitherer, M Clampin
The Astrophysical Journal 579 (1), 275, 2002
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Articles 1–20