Lorenz M. Hilty
Lorenz M. Hilty
Professor Emeritus, University of Zurich, Switzerland
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The relevance of information and communication technologies for environmental sustainability–a prospective simulation study
LM Hilty, P Arnfalk, L Erdmann, J Goodman, M Lehmann, PA Wäger
Environmental Modelling & Software 21 (11), 1618-1629, 2006
ICT for sustainability: An emerging research field
LM Hilty, B Aebischer
ICT Innovations for Sustainability, 3-36, 2015
Modeling metal stocks and flows: a review of dynamic material flow analysis methods.
E Müller, LM Hilty, R Widmer, M Schluep, M Faulstich
Environmental science & technology 48 (4), 2102-2113, 2014
Sustainability and ICT–An overview of the field
LM Hilty, W Lohmann, EM Huang
Notizie di Politeia 27 (104), 13-28, 2011
Information technology and sustainability: essays on the relationship between ICT and sustainable development
LM Hilty
BoD–Books on Demand, 2008
Scenario Analysis: Exploring the Macroeconomic Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
L Erdmann, LM Hilty
Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2010
ICT innovations for sustainability
LM Hilty, B Aebischer
Springer International Publishing, 2015
The future impact of ICTs on environmental sustainability: synthesis report
L Erdmann, L Hilty, J Goodman, P Arnfalk
Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, 2004
Electronic waste: an emerging risk?
LM Hilty
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 25 (5), 431-435, 2005
How LCA contributes to the environmental assessment of higher order effects of ICT application: A review of different approaches
J Pohl, LM Hilty, M Finkbeiner
Journal of cleaner production 219, 698-712, 2019
Assessing indirect environmental effects of information and communication technology (ICT): A systematic literature review
JCT Bieser, LM Hilty
Sustainability 10 (8), 2662, 2018
The digital sharing economy: A confluence of technical and social sharing
MJ Pouri, LM Hilty
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 38, 127-139, 2021
Effects of Internet-based multiple-site conferences on greenhouse gas emissions
VC Coroama, LM Hilty, M Birtel
Telematics and Informatics 29 (4), 362-374, 2012
Sustainable software products—Towards assessment criteria for resource and energy efficiency
E Kern, LM Hilty, A Guldner, YV Maksimov, A Filler, J Gröger, S Naumann
Future Generation Computer Systems 86, 199-210, 2018
Gamification and sustainable consumption: overcoming the limitations of persuasive technologies
MZ Huber, LM Hilty
ICT innovations for sustainability, 367-385, 2015
Rebound effects of progress in information technology
LM Hilty, A Köhler, F Von Schéele, R Zah, T Ruddy
Poiesis & Praxis 4 (1), 19-38, 2006
Environmental impacts of lighting technologies—Life cycle assessment and sensitivity analysis
T Welz, R Hischier, LM Hilty
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 31 (3), 334-343, 2011
Unintended side effects of the digital transition: European scientists’ messages from a proposition-based expert round table
RW Scholz, EJ Bartelsman, S Diefenbach, L Franke, A Grunwald, ...
Sustainability 10 (6), 2001, 2018
Assessing Internet energy intensity: A review of methods and results
VC Coroama, LM Hilty
Environmental impact assessment review 45, 63-68, 2014
Conceptualizing the digital sharing economy in the context of sustainability
MJ Pouri, LM Hilty
Sustainability 10 (12), 4453, 2018
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20