Pavel Kucherbaev
Pavel Kucherbaev
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Cited by
Quality control in crowdsourcing: A survey of quality attributes, assessment techniques, and assurance actions
F Daniel, P Kucherbaev, C Cappiello, B Benatallah, M Allahbakhsh
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 51 (1), 1-40, 2018
Keep it simple: Reward and task design in crowdsourcing
A Finnerty, P Kucherbaev, S Tranquillini, G Convertino
Proceedings of the Biannual Conference of the Italian Chapter of SIGCHI, 1-4, 2013
Approaches for dialog management in conversational agents
JG Harms, P Kucherbaev, A Bozzon, GJ Houben
IEEE Internet Computing 23 (2), 13-22, 2018
Human-aided bots
P Kucherbaev, A Bozzon, GJ Houben
IEEE Internet Computing 22 (6), 36-43, 2018
Modeling, enacting, and integrating custom crowdsourcing processes
S Tranquillini, F Daniel, P Kucherbaev, F Casati
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) 9 (2), 1-43, 2015
Crowdsourcing processes: a survey of approaches and opportunities
P Kucherbaev, F Daniel, S Tranquillini, M Marchese
IEEE Internet Computing 20 (2), 50-56, 2015
Business processes for the crowd computer
P Kucherbaev, S Tranquillini, F Daniel, F Casati, M Marchese, ...
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2012 International Workshops …, 2013
Effective crowdsourced generation of training data for chatbots natural language understanding
R Bapat, P Kucherbaev, A Bozzon
Web Engineering: 18th International Conference, ICWE 2018, Cáceres, Spain …, 2018
Chatbots as conversational recommender systems in urban contexts
P Kucherbaev, A Psyllidis, A Bozzon
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Recommender Systems for …, 2017
ReLauncher: crowdsourcing micro-tasks runtime controller
P Kucherbaev, F Daniel, S Tranquillini, M Marchese
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative …, 2016
Toward effective tasks navigation in crowdsourcing
P Kucherbaev, F Daniel, M Marchese, F Casati, B Reavey
Proceedings of the 2014 International Working Conference on Advanced Visual …, 2014
Crowdcafe-mobile crowdsourcing platform
P Kucherbaev, A Abad, S Tranquillini, F Daniel, M Marchese, F Casati
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.01752, 2016
BPMN task instance streaming for efficient micro-task crowdsourcing processes
S Tranquillini, F Daniel, P Kucherbaev, F Casati
Business Process Management: 13th International Conference, BPM 2015 …, 2015
Quality assurance strategies in microtask crowdsourcing
P Kucherbaev
University of Trento, 2016
Toward crowdsourced user studies for software evaluation
F Daniel, P Kucherbaev
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.01070, 2016
Modeling and exploration of crowdsourcing micro-tasks execution
P Kucherbaev, F Daniel, S Tranquillini, M Marchese
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing 3 …, 2015
Ephemeral Context to Support Robust and Diverse Music Recommendations
P Kucherbaev, N Tintarev, C Rodriguez
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.02765, 2017
Improving Speed and Accuracy of Crowdsourced Mirco-Tasks with Task-Independent Relaunching Strategies
P Kucherbaev, F Daniel, M Marchese
Pre-print, 2016
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Articles 1–18