Francesco Fusco
Francesco Fusco
Senior Research Scientist - IBM Research - AI
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High speed network traffic analysis with commodity multi-core systems
F Fusco, L Deri
Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, 218-224, 2010
Net-fli: on-the-fly compression, archiving and indexing of streaming network traffic
F Fusco, MP Stoecklin, M Vlachos
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 3 (1-2), 1382-1393, 2010
tsdb: A compressed database for time series
L Deri, S Mainardi, F Fusco
Traffic Monitoring and Analysis: 4th International Workshop, TMA 2012 …, 2012
Indexing million of packets per second using GPUs
F Fusco, M Vlachos, X Dimitropoulos, L Deri
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Internet measurement conference, 327-332, 2013
10 Gbit line rate packet-to-disk using n2disk
L Deri, A Cardigliano, F Fusco
2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS …, 2013
Real-time creation of bitmap indexes on streaming network data
F Fusco, M Vlachos, MP Stoecklin
The VLDB Journal 21, 287-307, 2012
RecoNet: An Interpretable Neural Architecture for Recommender Systems.
F Fusco, M Vlachos, V Vasileiadis, K Wardatzky, J Schneider
IJCAI, 2343-2349, 2019
Improving co-cluster quality with application to product recommendations
M Vlachos, F Fusco, C Mavroforakis, A Kyrillidis, VG Vassiliadis
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Conference on …, 2014
pcapIndex: an index for network packet traces with legacy compatibility
F Fusco, X Dimitropoulos, M Vlachos, L Deri
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 42 (1), 47-53, 2012
vPF_RING: Towards wire-speed network monitoring using virtual machines
A Cardigliano, L Deri, J Gasparakis, F Fusco
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement …, 2011
Enabling high-speed and extensible real-time communications monitoring
F Fusco, F Huici, L Deri, S Niccolini, T Ewald
2009 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, 343-350, 2009
Wire-speed hardware-assisted traffic filtering with mainstream network adapters
L Deri, J Gasparakis, P Waskiewicz, F Fusco
Advances in Network-Embedded Management and Applications: Proceedings of the …, 2011
RasterZip: Compressing network monitoring data with support for partial decompression
F Fusco, M Vlachos, X Dimitropoulos
Proceedings of the 2012 Internet Measurement Conference, 51-64, 2012
Exploiting commodity multi-core systems for network traffic analysis
L Deri, F Fusco
Unpublished. http://luca. ntop. org/MulticorePacketCapture. pdf (), 2009
Network analysis
F Fusco, MP Stoecklin, M Vlachos
US Patent 8,782,012, 2014
pNLP-mixer: An efficient all-MLP architecture for language
F Fusco, D Pascual, P Staar, D Antognini
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.04350, 2022
Using deep packet inspection in cybertraffic analysis
L Deri, F Fusco
2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR), 89-94, 2021
Overhead management for virtual machines
F Fusco, T Graf, M Tsirkin
US Patent 10,164,892, 2015
MicroCloud-based network traffic monitoring
L Deri, F Fusco
2013 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM …, 2013
Realtime MicroCloud-based flow aggregation for fixed and mobile networks
L Deri, F Fusco
2013 9th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing …, 2013
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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