Giorgio Baldinelli
Giorgio Baldinelli
Researcher, University of Perugia, Department of Engineering
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Life cycle assessment of electricity production from renewable energies: Review and results harmonization
FS F. Asdrubali, G. Baldinelli, F. D’Alessandro
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 42, 1113-1122, 2015
A quantitative methodology to evaluate thermal bridges in buildings
F Asdrubali, G Baldinelli, F Bianchi
Applied Energy 97, 365-373, 2012
Double skin façades for warm climate regions: Analysis of a solution with an integrated movable shading system
G Baldinelli
Building and environment 44 (6), 1107-1118, 2009
Thermal transmittance measurements with the hot box method: Calibration, experimental procedures, and uncertainty analyses of three different approaches
F Asdrubali, G Baldinelli
Energy and buildings 43 (7), 1618-1626, 2011
Evaluating in situ thermal transmittance of green buildings masonries—A case study
F Asdrubali, F D’Alessandro, G Baldinelli, F Bianchi
Case Studies in Construction Materials 1, 53-59, 2014
A comparison between environmental sustainability rating systems LEED and ITACA for residential buildings
F Asdrubali, G Baldinelli, F Bianchi, S Sambuco
Building and Environment 86, 98-108, 2015
Sustainable strategies for smart cities: Analysis of the town development effect on surface urban heat island through remote sensing methodologies
S Bonafoni, G Baldinelli, P Verducci
Sustainable Cities and Society 29, 211-218, 2017
Straw bale constructions: Laboratory, in field and numerical assessment of energy and environmental performance
F D’Alessandro, F Bianchi, G Baldinelli, A Rotili, S Schiavoni
Journal of Building Engineering 11, 56-68, 2017
A model for the improvement of thermal bridges quantitative assessment by infrared thermography
G Baldinelli, F Bianchi, A Rotili, D Costarelli, M Seracini, G Vinti, ...
Applied energy 211, 854-864, 2018
Technologies for energetic exploitation of biodiesel chain derived glycerol: Oxy-fuels production by catalytic conversion
C Beatrice, G Di Blasio, M Lazzaro, C Cannilla, G Bonura, F Frusteri, ...
Applied energy 102, 63-71, 2013
A techno-economic analysis of a solar PV and DC battery storage system for a community energy sharing
E Gul, G Baldinelli, P Bartocci, F Bianchi, D Piergiovanni, F Cotana, ...
Energy 244, 123191, 2022
Detection of thermal bridges from thermographic images by means of image processing approximation algorithms
F Asdrubali, G Baldinelli, F Bianchi, D Costarelli, A Rotili, M Seracini, ...
Applied Mathematics and Computation 317, 160-171, 2018
Infrared thermography assessment of thermal bridges in building envelope: Experimental validation in a test room setup
F Bianchi, AL Pisello, G Baldinelli, F Asdrubali
Sustainability 6 (10), 7107-7120, 2014
Energy simulation and LCA for macro-scale analysis of eco-innovations in the housing stock
K Allacker, V Castellani, G Baldinelli, F Bianchi, C Baldassarri, S Sala
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 24, 989-1008, 2019
Energy and environmental performance optimization of a wooden window: A holistic approach
G Baldinelli, F Asdrubali, C Baldassarri, F Bianchi, F D’Alessandro, ...
Energy and buildings 79, 114-131, 2014
Windows thermal resistance: Infrared thermography aided comparative analysis among finite volumes simulations and experimental methods
G Baldinelli, F Bianchi
Applied energy 136, 250-258, 2014
Evaluation of Green Buildings’ Overall Performance through in Situ Monitoring and Simulations
F Asdrubali, C Buratti, F Cotana, G Baldinelli, M Goretti, E Moretti, ...
Energies 6 (12), 6525-6547, 2013
Uncertainty in LCA: An estimation of practitioner-related effects
F Scrucca, C Baldassarri, G Baldinelli, E Bonamente, S Rinaldi, A Rotili, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 268, 122304, 2020
Experimental assessment of the water content influence on thermo-acoustic performance of building insulation materials
F D'Alessandro, G Baldinelli, F Bianchi, S Sambuco, A Rufini
Construction and Building Materials 158, 264-274, 2018
Thermal conductivity measurement of insulating innovative building materials by hot plate and heat flow meter devices: A Round Robin Test
G Baldinelli, F Bianchi, S Gendelis, A Jakovics, GL Morini, S Falcioni, ...
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 139, 25-35, 2019
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