Rune Dahl Fitjar
Rune Dahl Fitjar
Professor of Innovation Studies, University of Stavanger
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Firm collaboration and modes of innovation in Norway
R Fitjar, A Rodríguez-Pose
Research Policy 42 (1), 128-138, 2011
When local interaction does not suffice: sources of firm innovation in urban Norway
RD Fitjar, A Rodríguez-Pose
Environment and Planning A 43 (6), 1248-1267, 2011
Innovating in the periphery: firms, values and innovation in southwest Norway
RD Fitjar, A Rodriguez-Pose
European Planning Studies 19 (4), 555-574, 2011
Does combining different types of collaboration always benefit firms? Collaboration, complementarity and product innovation in Norway
S Haus-Reve, RD Fitjar, A Rodríguez-Pose
Research Policy 48 (6), 1476-1486, 2019
Buzz, archipelago economies and the future of intermediate and peripheral areas in a spiky world
A Rodríguez-Pose, RD Fitjar
European Planning Studies 21 (3), 355-372, 2013
Nothing is in the air
RD Fitjar, A Rodríguez‐Pose
Growth and Change 48 (1), 22-39, 2017
The rise of regionalism: Causes of regional mobilisation in Western Europe
RD Fitjar
Taylor & Francis, 2009
Little big firms? Corporate social responsibility in small businesses that do not compete against big ones
RD Fitjar
Business Ethics: A European Review 20 (1), 30-44, 2011
Social capital and economic growth in the regions of Europe
J Muringani, RD Fitjar, A Rodríguez-Pose
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 53 (6), 1412-1434, 2021
Explaining variation in sub‐state regional identities in Western Europe
RD Fitjar
European Journal of Political Research 49 (4), 522-544, 2010
Not too close, not too far: testing the Goldilocks principle of ‘optimal’distance in innovation networks
RD Fitjar, F Huber, A Rodríguez-Pose
Industry and Innovation 23 (6), 465-487, 2016
Global pipelines for innovation: insights from the case of Norway
RD Fitjar, F Huber
Journal of Economic Geography 15 (3), 561-583, 2014
Networking, context and firm-level innovation: Cooperation through the regional filter in Norway
RD Fitjar, A Rodríguez-Pose
Geoforum 63, 25-35, 2015
Towards regional responsible research and innovation? Integrating RRI and RIS3 in European innovation policy
RD Fitjar, P Benneworth, BT Asheim
Science and Public Policy 46 (5), 772-783, 2019
Contextualizing the role of universities to regional development: Introduction to the special issue
P Benneworth, RD Fitjar
Regional Studies, Regional Science 6 (1), 331-338, 2019
The combined impact of managerial and relational capabilities on innovation in firms
RD Fitjar, M Gjelsvik, A Rodríguez-Pose
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 25 (5-6), 500-520, 2013
Regional skill relatedness: towards a new measure of regional related diversification
RD Fitjar, B Timmermans
Path Dependence and Regional Economic Renewal, 162-184, 2018
What drives university-industry collaboration? Research excellence or firm collaboration strategy?
K Atta-Owusu, RD Fitjar, A Rodríguez-Pose
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 173, 121084, 2021
Why do firms collaborate with local universities?
RD Fitjar, M Gjelsvik
Regional Studies 52 (11), 1525-1536, 2018
The geographical dimension of innovation collaboration: Networking and innovation in Norway
RD Fitjar, A Rodríguez-Pose
Urban Studies 51 (12), 2572-2595, 2014
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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