José H. Canós
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Metodologías ágiles en el desarrollo de software
JH Canós, P Letelier, MC Penadés
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, 1-8, 2003
On the way to learning style models integration: a Learner's Characteristics Ontology
AE Labib, JH Canós, MC Penadés
Computers in Human Behavior 73, 433-445, 2017
Knowledge management support for collaborative emergency response
VB Diniz, MRS Borges, JO Gomes, JH Canos
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Supported …, 2005
A multimedia approach to the efficient implementation and use of emergency plans
JH Canós, G Alonso, J Jaén
IEEE multimedia 11 (3), 106-110, 2004
Decision making support in emergency response
VB Diniz, MRS Borges, JO Gomes, JH Canós
Encyclopedia of decision making and decision support technologies, 184-191, 2008
Improving emergency plans management with SAGA
JH Canós, MRS Borges, MC Penadés, A Gómez, M Llavador
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 80 (9), 1868-1876, 2013
The assessment of information technology maturity in emergency response organizations
RS Santos, MRS Borges, JH Canós, JO Gomes
Group Decision and Negotiation 20, 593-613, 2011
A grid ant colony algorithm for the orienteering problem
JA Mocholí, J Jaen, JH Canos
2005 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation 1, 942-949, 2005
Document product lines: variability-driven document generation
MC Penadés, JH Canós, MRS Borges, M Llavador
Proceedings of the 10th ACM symposium on Document engineering, 203-206, 2010
A framework for variable content document generation with multiple actors
A Gómez, MC Penadés, JH Canós, MRS Borges, M Llavador
Information and Software Technology 56 (9), 1101-1121, 2014
A Knowledge-Base Architecture for Object Societies.
JH Canós-Cerdá, MC Penadés, I Ramos, O Pastor
DEXA Workshop, 19-24, 1995
Using spatial hypertext to visualize composite knowledge in emergency responses
JH Canós, MC Penades, C Solís, MRS Borges, M Llavador
University of Limerick, 2010
The Design of collaboration support between command and operation teams during emergency response
RP Padilha, MRS Borges, JO Gomes, JH Canós
The 2010 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative …, 2010
Maturity levels of information technologies in emergency response organizations
RS Santos, MRS Borges, JO Gomes, JH Canós
Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use: 14th International Workshop …, 2008
Precise yet flexible specification of emergency resolution procedures
M Llavador, P Letelier, MC Penadés, JH Canós, M Borges, C Solís
3rd International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and …, 2006
MoMo: enabling hybrid museums
J Jaén, JM Esteve, JA Mocholí, JH Canós
IEE Proceedings-Software 152 (5), 245-251, 2005
Using hypermedia to improve safety in underground metropolitan transportation
JH Canós, F De Zulueta
Multimedia Tools and Applications 22, 75-87, 2004
Towards a Total Quality Framework for the Evaluation and Improvement of Emergency Plans Management.
AG Núñez, MC Penadés, JH Canós, MRS Borges
ISCRAM, 2015
A product line approach to the development of advanced emergency plans.
MC Penadés, MRS Borges, JH Canós-Cerdá, AS Vivacqua
ISCRAM, 2011
A grid architecture for building hybrid museums
JJ Martínez, JH Canós
Web and Communication Technologies and Internet-Related Social Issues—HSI …, 2003
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20