Voice typology LI Kulikov The Oxford handbook of linguistic typology, 368-398, 2011 | 256 | 2011 |
Causatives LI Kulikov Language typology and language universals. An international handbook. Vol. 2 …, 2001 | 207 | 2001 |
The “second causative”: A typological sketch LI Kulikov Causatives and transitivity (Studies in Language Companion Series 23), eds …, 1993 | 136 | 1993 |
The Vedic -ya-presents: passives and intransitivity in Old Indo-Aryan (Leiden Studies in Indo-European 19) L Kulikov The Vedic -ya-presents: passives and intransitivity in Old Indo-Aryan …, 2012 | 102* | 2012 |
Evolution of case systems LI Kulikov The Oxford handbook of case, 439-457, 2009 | 82 | 2009 |
The Vedic -ya-presents L Kulikov Universiteit Leiden, 2001 | 73 | 2001 |
Case in decline J Barđdal, LI Kulikov The Oxford handbook of case, eds. Spencer A, Malchukov A, 470-478, 2009 | 68 | 2009 |
Middles and reflexives LI Kulikov Bloomsbury companion to syntax, eds. Luraghi S, Parodi P, 261-280, 2013 | 66 | 2013 |
Case, valency and transitivity (Studies in Language Companion Series 77) L Kulikov, AL Malchukov, P Swart Case, Valency and Transitivity, xx+503 pp., 2006 | 64* | 2006 |
Split causativity: remarks on correlations between transitivity, aspect, and tense LI Kulikov Tense-aspect, transitivity and causativity: Essays in honour of Vladimir …, 1999 | 64* | 1999 |
Passive, anticausative and classification of verbs: The case of Vedic L Kulikov Typology of verbal categories. Papers presented to Vladimir Nedjalkov on the …, 1998 | 58 | 1998 |
The labile syntactic type in a diachronic perspective: The case of Vedic L Kulikov sky Journal of Linguistics 16, 93-112, 2003 | 55 | 2003 |
The middle as a voice category in Bantu: Setting the stage for further research S Dom, L Kulikov, K Bostoen Lingua Posnaniensis 58 (2), 129-149, 2018 | 50 | 2018 |
The Proto-Indo-European case system and its reflexes in a diachronic typological perspective: Evidence for the linguistic prehistory of Eurasia L Kulikov Rivista degli Studi Orientali 84, 289-310, 2011 | 50* | 2011 |
Passive and middle in Indo-European: Reconstructing the early Vedic passive paradigm L Kulikov Passivization and typology: form and function (Typological studies in …, 2006 | 49 | 2006 |
Case systems in a diachronic perspective: A typological sketch L Kulikov Case, valency and transitivity, eds. L. Kulikov, A. Malchukov & P. de Swart …, 2006 | 48 | 2006 |
Reduplication in the Vedic verb: Indo-European inheritance, analogy and iconicity L Kulikov Studies on reduplication, ed. B. Hurch (Empirical Approaches to Language …, 2005 | 48 | 2005 |
Reconstructing passive and voice in Proto-Indo-European L Kulikov, N Lavidas Proto-Indo-European syntax and its development, 101-124, 2015 | 46 | 2015 |
The reflexive pronouns in Vedic: A diachronic and typological perspective L Kulikov Lingua 117 (8), 1412-1433, 2007 | 46 | 2007 |
Vedic preverbs as markers of valency-changing derivations: Transitivity and objecthood in Indo-European (Evidence from Old Indo-Aryan) L Kulikov Studies in Language 36 (4), 721-746, 2012 | 40 | 2012 |