The impact of the COVID-19 shock on labour income inequality: Evidence from Italy F Carta, M De Philippis Bank of Italy Occasional Paper, 2021 | 82 | 2021 |
Immigration, housing discrimination and employment T Boeri, M De Philippis, E Patacchini, M Pellizzari The Economic Journal 125 (586), F82-F114, 2015 | 59 | 2015 |
STEM graduates and secondary school curriculum: does early exposure to science matter? M De Philippis Bank of Italy Temi di Discussione (Working Paper) No 1107, 2017 | 51* | 2017 |
You've come a long way, baby. Husbands' commuting time and family labour supply F Carta, M De Philippis Regional Science and Urban Economics 69, 25-37, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
Parents, schools and human capital differences across countries M De Philippis, F Rossi Journal of the European Economic Association 19 (2), 1364-1406, 2021 | 46 | 2021 |
Moving to segregation: Evidence from 8 Italian cities T Boeri, M De Philippis, E Patacchini, M Pellizzari IZA Discussion Paper, 2012 | 38 | 2012 |
Wage rigidities and business cycle fluctuations: a linked employer-employee analysis E Adamopoulou, E Bobbio, M De Philippis, F Giorgi IZA Journal of Labor Policy 5, 1-32, 2016 | 29 | 2016 |
Multi-task agents and incentives: The case of teaching and research for university professors M De Philippis The Economic Journal 131 (636), 1643-1681, 2021 | 23 | 2021 |
Working horizon and labour supply: the effect of raising the full retirement age on middle-aged individuals F Carta, M De Philippis Bank of Italy Temi di Discussione (Working Paper) No 1314, 2021 | 19 | 2021 |
The dynamics of the Italian labour force participation rate: determinants and implications for the employment and unemployment rate M De Philippis Bank of Italy Occasional Paper, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
La crescita dell’economia italiana e il divario nord-sud: trend storici e prospettive alla luce dei recenti scenari demografici [italian economic growth and the north-south gap … M De Philippis, A Locatelli, G Papini, R Torrini Bank of Italy Occasional Paper, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
Alcune evidenze sulla modalità di svolgimento della didattica a distanza e sugli effetti per le famiglie italiane G Bovini, M De Philippis Banca d’Italia Note Covid-19, March 21, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
Job-to-job flows and wage dynamics in France and Italy C Berson, E Viviano, M de Philippis Banque de France Working Paper, January 2020, WP, 2020 | 13 | 2020 |
Working horizon and labour supply: the effect of raising minimum retirement age on middle-aged individuals F Carta, M De Philippis Banca d’Italia, Temi di discussione 26, 2019 | 11 | 2019 |
The forward-looking effect of increasing the full retirement age F Carta, M De Philippis The Economic Journal 134 (657), 165-192, 2024 | 10 | 2024 |
The long run earnings effects of a credit market disruption E Adamopoulou, M De Philippis, E Sette, E Viviano IZA Discussion Paper, 2020 | 10 | 2020 |
Media impact on natives’ attitudes towards immigration M De Philippis Msc thesis, Bocconi University, 2009 | 9 | 2009 |
The ins and outs of the gender employment gap: Assessing the role of fertility M De Philippis, S Lo Bello Technical report, mimeo, 2022 | 7 | 2022 |
Allocative efficiency and aggregate wage dynamics in Italy E Adamopoulou, E Bobbio, M De Philippis, F Giorgi Bank of Italy Occasional Paper, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
Slack and prices during Covid-19: accounting for labor market participation F D’Amuri, M De Philippis, E Guglielminetti, SL Bello Labour Economics 75, 102129, 2022 | 6 | 2022 |