Dr. Bernhard Hitpass
Citata da
Citata da
Bussines Process Management: Fundamentos y conceptos de implementación
B Hitpass
Santiago de Chile, Chile: Editorial BHH, 2017
BPMN 2.0: Manual de referencia y guía práctica
J Freund, B Rücker, B Hitpass
BPM Center, 2014
Industry 4.0 challenges for business process management and electronic-commerce
B Hitpass, H Astudillo
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 14 (1), I-III, 2019
BPMN Manuela de Referencia y Guía Práctica. Con una introducción a CMMN y DMN 5a Edición actualizada y ampliada
B Hitpass, J Freund, B Rücker
Dr. Bernhard Hitpass, 2017
Business Process Management (BPM): Concepts, and how to apply and integrate it with IT
B Hitpass
Bernhard Hitpass, 2014
Recent models for collaborative e-government processes: A survey
R Gacitúa, H Astudillo, B Hitpass, M Osorio-Sanabria, C Taramasco
IEEE Access 9, 19602-19618, 2021
¿ Reingeniería, rediseño o mejora de procesos de negocio
B Hitpass
Gerencia. Recuperado de: http://www. emb. cl/gerencia/articulo. mvc, 2011
Process-based evaluation and comparison of OTS software alternatives
MJ Faundes, H Astudillo, B Hitpass
2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 1093-1100, 2013
Adapting the pbec-otss software selection approach for bpm suites: an application case
M Gallego, FD Giraldo, B Hitpass
2015 34th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2015
El nivel de Actividad en el Proceso Educativo como Indicador de Riesgo de Deserción Estudiantil medido en tiempo real con apoyo de tecnología BAM
L Velásquez, B HITPASS
JCC Workshop on Business Process Management, 2014
Modeling a Retailer B2B Integration Portal as Choreography Intermediary with BPMN 2.0 Choreography Diagrams
B Hitpass, J Leiva
2012 31st International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2012
Consideraciones para proyectos de implementación de procesos utilizando plataformas BPMS
D Moya, BPM Center, B Hitpass
Towards a BPM (N)-based technique for the assessment of the business excellence framework criteria
FMR de Petris, B Hitpass
2017 36th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2017
Towards the continuous alignment of operational processes with views of Enterprise Architecture through smart contracts technology
J Pinzón-Núñez, B Hitpass
2018 37th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2018
Adding sensitivity analysis to component selection reduced effort yet increased difficulty, hurting acceptance
F Villarroel, H Astudillo, B Hitpass
13th Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge …, 2018
Towards a BPM (N)-based technique for the assessment of the Business Excellence Framework Criteria
F Mayer-Rechnitz, B Hitpass
Conference: 2017 36th International Conference of the Chilean Computer …, 2017
Towards an ontology of business- and process architecture based on a business model
B Hitpass
Proceedings of the XLI Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI 2015), 2015
Literature survey on business model-based integration of business architecture and process architecture
B Hitpass
Jornadas Chilenas de Computación 2014At: Universidad Católica del Maule …, 2014
Program committee chairs
V Codocedo, R Ñanculef, AR Rivera, A Rodriguez, A Delgado, ...
Program Committee Chairs
B Marín, R Soto, H Allende-Cid, R Angles, RJA Achá, H Astudillo, ...
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20