Thomas A. Manteuffel
Thomas A. Manteuffel
Professor Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado
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An incomplete factorization technique for positive definite linear systems
TA Manteuffel
Mathematics of computation 34 (150), 473-497, 1980
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a conjugate gradient method
V Faber, T Manteuffel
SIAM Journal on numerical analysis 21 (2), 352-362, 1984
The Tchebychev iteration for nonsymmetric linear systems
TA Manteuffel
Numerische Mathematik 28, 307-327, 1977
First-order system least squares for second-order partial differential equations: Part I
Z Cai, R Lazarov, TA Manteuffel, SF McCormick
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 31 (6), 1785-1799, 1994
A taxonomy for conjugate gradient methods
SF Ashby, TA Manteuffel, PE Saylor
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 27 (6), 1542-1568, 1990
Algebraic multigrid based on element interpolation (AMGe)
M Brezina, AJ Cleary, RD Falgout, VE Henson, JE Jones, TA Manteuffel, ...
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 22 (5), 1570-1592, 2001
First-order system least squares for second-order partial differential equations: Part II
Z Cai, TA Manteuffel, SF McCormick
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 34 (2), 425-454, 1997
A technique for accelerating the convergence of restarted GMRES
AH Baker, ER Jessup, T Manteuffel
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 26 (4), 962-984, 2005
The numerical solution of second-order boundary value problems on nonuniform meshes
TA Manteuffel, AB White
Mathematics of Computation 47 (176), 511-535, 1986
Robustness and scalability of algebraic multigrid
AJ Cleary, RD Falgout, VE Henson, JE Jones, TA Manteuffel, ...
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 21 (5), 1886-1908, 2000
First-order system least squares for the Stokes equations, with application to linear elasticity
Z Cai, TA Manteuffel, SF McCormick
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 34 (5), 1727-1741, 1997
Adaptive procedure for estimating parameters for the nonsymmetric Tchebychev iteration
TA Manteuffel
Numerische Mathematik 31 (2), 183-208, 1978
Adaptive Smoothed Aggregation (SA) Multigrid
M Brezina, R Falgout, S MacLachlan, T Manteuffel, S McCormick, J Ruge
SIAM review 47 (2), 317-346, 2005
Adaptive multigrid algorithm for the lattice Wilson-Dirac operator
R Babich, J Brannick, RC Brower, MA Clark, TA Manteuffel, ...
Physical review letters 105 (20), 201602, 2010
Adaptive algebraic multigrid
M Brezina, R Falgout, S MacLachlan, T Manteuffel, S McCormick, J Ruge
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 27 (4), 1261-1286, 2006
Supra-convergent schemes on irregular grids
HO Kreiss, TA Manteuffel, B Swartz, B Wendroff, AB White
Mathematics of Computation 47 (176), 537-554, 1986
Spectral AMGe (AMGe)
T Chartier, RD Falgout, VE Henson, J Jones, T Manteuffel, S McCormick, ...
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 25 (1), 1-26, 2003
Adaptive Smoothed Aggregation (SA)
M Brezina, R Falgout, S MacLachlan, T Manteuffel, S McCormick, J Ruge
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 25 (6), 1896-1920, 2004
Analysis of Velocity-Flux First-Order System Least-Squares Principles for the Navier--Stokes Equations: Part I
P Bochev, Z Cai, TA Manteuffel, SF McCormick
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 35 (3), 990-1009, 1998
Preconditioning and boundary conditions
TA Manteuffel, SV Parter
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 27 (3), 656-694, 1990
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20