Olivier Dauteuil
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Oblique rifting in a slow-spreading ridge
O Dauteuil, JP Brun
Nature 361 (6408), 145-148, 1993
Tectonics and magma dynamics coupling in a dyke swarm of Iceland
F Paquet, O Dauteuil, E Hallot, F Moreau
Journal of Structural Geology 29 (9), 1477-1493, 2007
Propagation of an oblique spreading centre: the western Gulf of Aden
O Dauteuil, P Huchon, F Quemeneur, T Souriot
Tectonophysics 332 (4), 423-442, 2001
Effective tension-shear relationships in extensional fissure swarms, axial rift zone of northeastern Iceland
J Angelier, F Bergerat, O Dauteuil, T Villemin
Journal of Structural Geology 19 (5), 673-685, 1997
Analogue experiments of propagation of oblique rifts
Y Mart, O Dauteuil
Tectonophysics 316 (1-2), 121-132, 2000
Planation surfaces as a record of mantle dynamics: the case example of Africa
F Guillocheau, B Simon, G Baby, P Bessin, C Robin, O Dauteuil
Gondwana Research 53, 82-98, 2018
Deformation partitioning in a slow spreading ridge undergoing oblique extension: Mohns Ridge, Norwegian Sea
O Dauteuil, JP Brun
Tectonics 15 (4), 870-884, 1996
Pleistocene subglacial volcanism in Iceland: tectonic implications
O Bourgeois, O Dauteuil, B Van Vliet-Lanoë
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 164 (1-2), 165-178, 1998
Geothermal control on flow patterns in the Last Glacial Maximum ice sheet of Iceland
O Bourgeois, O Dauteuil, BV Vliet‐Lanoë
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2000
Sediment supply to the Orange sedimentary system over the last 150 My: An evaluation from sedimentation/denudation balance
D Rouby, S Bonnet, F Guillocheau, K Gallagher, C Robin, F Biancotto, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (6), 782-794, 2009
Planation surfaces of the Tian Shan Range (Central Asia): Insight on several 100 million years of topographic evolution
J Morin, M Jolivet, L Barrier, A Laborde, H Li, O Dauteuil
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, 52-65, 2019
Cenozoic landscape evolution in and around the Congo Basin: constraints from sediments and planation surfaces
F Guillocheau, R Chelalou, B Linol, O Dauteuil, C Robin, F Mvondo, ...
Geology and resource potential of the Congo Basin, 271-313, 2015
Deformation and sedimentary evolution of the Lake Albert rift (Uganda, east African rift system)
B Simon, F Guillocheau, C Robin, O Dauteuil, T Nalpas, M Pickford, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 86, 17-37, 2017
Small‐scale models of oceanic transform zones
T Mauduit, O Dauteuil
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 101 (B9), 20195-20209, 1996
Late Cretaceous–Palaeogene topography of the Chinese Tian Shan: New insights from geomorphology and sedimentology
M Jolivet, L Barrier, O Dauteuil, A Laborde, Q Li, B Reichenbacher, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 499, 95-106, 2018
Long-term stratigraphic evolution of Atlantic-type passive margins: A numerical approach of interactions between surface processes, flexural isostasy and 3D thermal subsidence
D Rouby, J Braun, C Robin, O Dauteuil, F Deschamps
Tectonophysics 604, 83-103, 2013
Lithosphere strength controls oceanic transform zone structure: insights from analogue models
O Dauteuil, O Bourgeois, T Mauduit
Geophysical Journal International 150 (3), 706-714, 2002
Deformation partitioning inside a fissure swarm of the northern Icelandic rift
O Dauteuil, J Angelier, F Bergerat, S Verrier, T Villemin
Journal of Structural Geology 23 (9), 1359-1372, 2001
Thufur formation in northern Iceland and its relation to Holocene climate change
B Van Vliet‐Lanoë, O Bourgeois, O Dauteuil
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 9 (4), 347-365, 1998
The Vema transverse ridge (central Atlantic)
K Kastens, E Bonatti, D Caress, G Carrara, O Dauteuil, G Frueh-Green, ...
Marine Geophysical Researches 20, 533-556, 1998
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Articoli 1–20