Ivor Spence
Ivor Spence
Reader in Computer Science, Queens University Belfast
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Cited by
GPU virtualization and scheduling methods: A comprehensive survey
CH Hong, I Spence, DS Nikolopoulos
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 50 (3), 1-37, 2017
FedAdapt: Adaptive Offloading for IoT Devices in Federated Learning
D Wu, R Ullah, P Harvey, P Kilpatrick, I Spence, B Varghese
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (21), 20889-20901, 2022
Adlars: An architecture description language for software product lines
R Bashroush, TJ Brown, I Spence, P Kilpatrick
29th Annual IEEE/NASA Software Engineering Workshop, 163-173, 2005
On the virtualization of CUDA based GPU remoting on ARM and X86 machines in the GVirtuS framework
R Montella, G Giunta, G Laccetti, M Lapegna, C Palmieri, C Ferraro, ...
International Journal of Parallel Programming 45, 1142-1163, 2017
Weaving behavior into feature models for embedded system families
TJ Brown, R Gawley, R Bashroush, I Spence, P Kilpatrick, C Gillan
10th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC'06), 52-61, 2006
Extending BPM environments of your choice with performance related decision support
M Fritzsche, M Picht, W Gilani, I Spence, J Brown, P Kilpatrick
International Conference on Business Process Management, 97-112, 2009
Computing zeros of analytic functions in the complex plane without using derivatives
CJ Gillan, A Schuchinsky, I Spence
Computer physics communications 175 (4), 304-313, 2006
FairGV: fair and fast GPU virtualization
CH Hong, I Spence, DS Nikolopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (12), 3472-3485, 2017
sgen1: A generator of small but difficult satisfiability benchmarks
I Spence
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA) 15, 1.1-1.15, 2010
Efficient implementation of a portable parallel programming model for image processing
PJ Morrow, D Crookes, J Brown, G McAleese, D Roantree, I Spence
Concurrency: Practice and Experience 11 (11), 671-685, 1999
Comparing regression and neural network techniques for personalized predictive analytics to promote lung protective ventilation in Intensive Care Units
R Hagan, CJ Gillan, I Spence, D McAuley, M Shyamsundar
Computers in biology and medicine 126, 104030, 2020
Towards utilizing model-driven engineering of composite applications for business performance analysis
M Fritzsche, W Gilani, C Fritzsche, I Spence, P Kilpatrick, J Brown
Model Driven Architecture–Foundations and Applications: 4th European …, 2008
Incremental density-based clustering on multicore processors
ST Mai, J Jacobsen, S Amer-Yahia, I Spence, NP Tran, I Assent, ...
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 44 (3), 1338-1356, 2020
Zero-one designs produce small hard SAT instances
A Van Gelder, I Spence
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing–SAT 2010: 13th …, 2010
Systematic usage of embedded modelling languages in automated model transformation chains
M Fritzsche, J Johannes, U Aßmann, S Mitschke, W Gilani, I Spence, ...
Software Language Engineering: First International Conference, SLE 2008 …, 2009
Ali: An extensible architecture description language for industrial applications
R Bashroush, I Spence, P Kilpatrick, TJ Brown, W Gilani, M Fritzsche
15th Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of …, 2008
Towards more flexible architecture description languages for industrial applications
R Bashroush, I Spence, P Kilpatrick, J Brown
Software Architecture: Third European Workshop, EWSA 2006, Nantes, France …, 2006
Performance estimation of container-based cloud-to-fog offloading
A Abdul Majeed, P Kilpatrick, I Spence, B Varghese
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and …, 2019
Adaptable components for software product line engineering
TJ Brown, I Spence, P Kilpatrick, D Crookes
Software Product Lines: Second International Conference, SPLC 2 San Diego …, 2002
A multiple views model for variability management in software product lines
R Bashroush, I Spence, P Kilpatrick, J Brown, C Gillan
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Variability Modelling of …, 2008
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Articles 1–20