Kim Flintoff
Cited by
Cited by
Digital Badges in Education
D Gibson, N Ostashewski, K Flintoff, S Grant, E Knight
Education and Information Technologies: The Official Journal of the IFIP …, 2013
Advancing Mobile Learning in Formal And Informal Settings via Mobile App Technology: Where to From Here, and How?
F Khaddage, W Müller, K Flintoff
Educational Technology & Society 19 (3), 16-26, 2016
Virtual worlds in Australian and New Zealand higher education: Remembering the past, understanding the present and imagining the future
S Gregory, B Gregory, T Reiners, A Fardinpour, M Hillier, M Lee, L Jacka, ...
Electric Dreams-ascilite 2013 Conference Proceedings Sydney, 312-324, 2013
A Philosophy of Open Digital Badges
J Willis III, K Flintoff, B McGraw
Foundation of Digital Badges and Micro-Credentials, 23-40, 2016
Mobile technologies in teacher education: Preparing pre-service teachers and teacher educators for mobile learning
J Herrington, N Ostashewski, D Reid, K Flintoff
Successful teacher education, 137-151, 2014
Digital curation: Opportunities for learning, teaching, research and professional development
K Flintoff, P Mellow, KP Clark
How are Australian higher education institutions contributing to change through innovative teaching and learning in virtual worlds?
B Gregory, S Gregory, D Wood, Y Masters, M Hillier, F Stokes-Thompson, ...
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for …, 2011
New applications, new global audiences: Educators repurposing and reusing 3D virtual and immersive learning resources
S Gregory, B Gregory, D Wood, J O’Connell, S Grant, M Hillier, D Butler, ...
ascilite 2015 Australasian Society for Computers in Learning and Tertiary …, 2015
Education for sustainable development: a study in adolescent perception changes towards sustainability following a strategic planning-based intervention – the Young Persons …
I Chambers, K Flintoff
Sustainability 11 (20), 2019
Sustaining the future through virtual worlds
S Gregory, B Gregory, M Hillier, L Jacka, S Schutt, D Ellis, ...
Future challenges, sustainable futures: Proceedings ascilite Wellington 2012 …, 2012
Second life/simulation: online sites for generative play
K Flintoff
Drama Education with Digital Technology, 202-221, 2009
Drama and Technology: Teacher attitudes and perceptions
K Flintoff
Edith Cowan University, 2005
Say Goodbye to Structured Learning ChatGPT in Education, is it a Threat or an Opportunity?
F Khaddage, K Flintoff
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2023
PD for ML in HE: Embedding mobile learning in a university context
A Herrington, J Schrape, K Flintoff, J Kelly, K Singh, D Taylor
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 2573-2578, 2012
Connections Between Drama Education and the Digital Education Revolution
K Flintoff
2010 DramaWest State Conference, 2010
Interfacing: Drama, the arts and ICT
K Flintoff
Login: The Newsletter of the Educational Computing Association of Western …, 2002
A scholarship program for academic staff to develop exemplary online learning tasks
A Herrington, J Schrape, K Flintoff, T Leaver, M Molineux, S O'Hare
Curriculum, technology & transformation for an unknown future. Proceedings …, 2010
Drama and technology: The pursuit of uncertain benefits
K Flintoff
Drama Queensland Says 25 (2), 7-13, 2002
Stepping into the virtual—is virtuality a contemporary alternative to drama
K Flintoff
IDEA Special Interest Fields of Drama, Theatre and Education. Brisbane: IDEA …, 2003
The internet as a dramatic medium
T Sant, K Flintoff
Interactive and improvisational drama: varieties of applied theatre and …, 2007
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Articles 1–20