Luca Magazzù
Luca Magazzù
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Probing the strongly driven spin-boson model in a superconducting quantum circuit
L Magazzù, P Forn-Díaz, R Belyansky, JL Orgiazzi, MA Yurtalan, MR Otto, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 1403, 2018
Nonlinear relaxation phenomena in metastable condensed matter systems
B Spagnolo, C Guarcello, L Magazzù, A Carollo, D Persano Adorno, ...
Entropy 19 (1), 20, 2016
Stabilization of quantum metastable states by dissipation
D Valenti, L Magazzù, P Caldara, B Spagnolo
Physical Review B 91 (23), 235412, 2015
Multi-state quantum dissipative dynamics in sub-ohmic environment: The strong coupling regime
L Magazzù, D Valenti, A Carollo, B Spagnolo
Entropy 17 (4), 2341-2354, 2015
Quantum dissipative dynamics of a bistable system in the sub-Ohmic to super-Ohmic regime
L Magazzù, A Carollo, B Spagnolo, D Valenti
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2016 (5), 054016, 2016
Asymptotic Floquet states of a periodically driven spin-boson system in the nonperturbative coupling regime
L Magazzù, S Denisov, P Hänggi
Physical Review E 98 (2), 022111, 2018
Dissipative dynamics in a quantum bistable system: Crossover from weak to strong damping
L Magazzu, D Valenti, B Spagnolo, M Grifoni
Physical Review E 92 (3), 032123, 2015
Quantum resonant activation
L Magazzù, P Hänggi, B Spagnolo, D Valenti
Physical Review E 95 (4), 042104, 2017
Quantum Brownian motion under generalized position measurements: A converse Zeno scenario
L Magazzù, P Talkner, P Hänggi
New Journal of Physics 20 (3), 033001, 2018
Transmission spectra of an ultrastrongly coupled qubit-dissipative resonator system
L Magazzù, M Grifoni
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2019 (10), 104002, 2019
Generation and stabilization of Bell states via repeated projective measurements on a driven ancilla qubit
L Magazzù, JD Jaramillo, P Talkner, P Hänggi
Physica Scripta 93 (6), 064001, 2018
Asymptotic Floquet states of non-Markovian systems
L Magazzù, S Denisov, P Hänggi
Physical Review A 96 (4), 042103, 2017
Feynman-Vernon influence functional approach to quantum transport in interacting nanojunctions: An analytical hierarchical study
L Magazzù, M Grifoni
Physical Review B 105 (12), 125417, 2022
Transmission spectra of the driven, dissipative Rabi model in the ultrastrong-coupling regime
L Magazzù, P Forn-Díaz, M Grifoni
Physical Review A 104 (5), 053711, 2021
Transient dynamics and asymptotic populations in a driven metastable quantum system
L Magazzu, D Valenti, P Caldara, A La Cognata, B Spagnolo, G Falci
Acta Phys. Pol. B 44, 1185, 2013
Heat transport in the quantum Rabi model: Universality and ultrastrong coupling effects
L Magazzu, E Paladino, M Grifoni
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.06909, 2024
Unified diagrammatic approach to quantum transport in few-level junctions for bosonic and fermionic reservoirs: Application to the quantum Rabi model
L Magazzù, E Paladino, M Grifoni
Physical Review B 110 (8), 085419, 2024
A unified diagrammatic approach in Liouville space to quantum transport for bosonic and fermionic reservoirs
L Magazzù, E Paladino, M Grifoni
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.06923, 2024
Data archive of" Feynman-Vernon influence functional approach to quantum transport in interacting nanojunctions: An analytical hierarchical study"
L Magazzù
Data archive of" Transmission spectra of an ultrastrongly coupled qubit-dissipative resonator system"
L Magazzù
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