Daniele Manerba
Daniele Manerba
Associate Professor of Operations Research - Dept. of Information Engineering, University of Brescia
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Synchromodal Logistics: An overview of critical success factors, enabling technologies, and open research issues
R Giusti, D Manerba, G Bruno, R Tadei
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 129, 92-110, 2019
A Virtual Power Plant Architecture for the Demand-Side Management of Smart Prosumers
M Pasetti, S Rinaldi, D Manerba
Applied Science 8 (3), 432, 2018
Machine Learning and Optimization for Production Rescheduling in Industry 4.0
Y Li, S Carabelli, E Fadda, D Manerba, R Tadei, O Terzo
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 110, 2445–2463, 2020
A generalized bin packing problem for parcel delivery in last-mile logistics
MM Baldi, D Manerba, G Perboli, R Tadei
European Journal of Operational Research 274 (3), 990-999, 2019
Attended Home Delivery: reducing last-mile environmental impact by changing customer habits.
D Manerba, R Mansini, R Zanotti
IAMES2018 - 1th IFAC workshop on Integrated Assessment Modelling and …, 2018
The Traveling Purchaser Problem and its variants
D Manerba, R Mansini, J Riera-Ledesma
European Journal of Operational Research 259 (1), 1-18, 2017
The Multi-Vehicle Travelling Purchaser Problem with Pairwise Incompatibility Constraints and Unitary Demands: A branch-and-price approach.
M Gendreau, D Manerba, R Mansini
EURO2018. July 8-11, 2018. Valencia (Spain) [Invited talk in "Meet the …, 2018
Sustainable and De-Stressed International Supply-Chains Through the SYNCHRO-NET Approach
R Giusti, C Iorfida, Y Li, D Manerba, S Musso, G Perboli, R Tadei, S Yuan
Sustainability 11 (4), 1083, 2019
The Capacitated Supplier Selection Problem with Total Quantity Discount policy and Activation Costs under Uncertainty
D Manerba, R Mansini, G Perboli
International Journal of Production Economics 198, 119-132, 2018
A branch-and-cut algorithm for the Multi-vehicle Traveling Purchaser Problem with Pairwise Incompatibility Constraints
D Manerba, R Mansini
Networks 65 (2), 139-154, 2015
An exact algorithm for the capacitated total quantity discount problem
D Manerba, R Mansini
European Journal of Operational Research 222 (2), 287-300, 2012
The Nurse Routing Problem with Workload Constraints and Incompatible Services
D Manerba, R Mansini
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (12), 1192 - 1197, 2016
An effective matheuristic for the capacitated total quantity discount problem
D Manerba, R Mansini
Computers & Operations Research 41 (1), 1-11, 2014
New solution approaches for the capacitated supplier selection problem with total quantity discount and activation costs under demand uncertainty
D Manerba, G Perboli
Computers & Operations Research 101, 29-42, 2019
A New Open-source System for Strategic Freight Logistics Planning: the SYNCHRO-NET Optimization Tools
R Giusti, D Manerba, G Perboli, R Tadei, S Yuan
Transportation Research Procedia 30C. EURO mini conference on “Advances in …, 2018
A Stochastic Programming Approach for the Traveling Purchaser Problem
ME Bruni, P Beraldi, D Manerba, R Mansini
IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 28 (1), 41-63, 2017
Comparative analysis of models and performance indicators for optimal service facility location
E Fadda, D Manerba, G Cabodi, P Camurati, R Tadei
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 145 (102174), 2021
Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Online Single-Machine Scheduling
Y Li, E Fadda, D Manerba, R Tadei, O Terzo
Proceedings of the 2020 Federated Conference on Computer Science and …, 2020
The Synchronized Location-Transshipment Problem
TG Crainic, R Giusti, D Manerba, R Tadei
Transportation Research Procedia 52 (C), 43-50, 2021
Multiperiod transshipment location–allocation problem with flow synchronization under stochastic handling operations
R Giusti, D Manerba, R Tadei
Networks, 2020
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Articles 1–20