Lorenzo Baldrati
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Tunable long-distance spin transport in a crystalline antiferromagnetic iron oxide
R Lebrun, A Ross, SA Bender, A Qaiumzadeh, L Baldrati, J Cramer, ...
Nature 561 (7722), 222-225, 2018
Giant Rashba-type spin splitting in ferroelectric GeTe (111)
M Liebmann, C Rinaldi, D Di Sante, J Kellner, C Pauly, RN Wang, ...
Advanced Materials 28 (3), 560-565, 2016
Harnessing orbital-to-spin conversion of interfacial orbital currents for efficient spin-orbit torques
S Ding, A Ross, D Go, L Baldrati, Z Ren, F Freimuth, S Becker, ...
Physical review letters 125 (17), 177201, 2020
Mechanism of Néel order switching in antiferromagnetic thin films revealed by magnetotransport and direct imaging
L Baldrati, O Gomonay, A Ross, M Filianina, R Lebrun, R Ramos, ...
Physical review letters 123 (17), 177201, 2019
Full angular dependence of the spin Hall and ordinary magnetoresistance in epitaxial antiferromagnetic NiO(001)/Pt thin films
L Baldrati, A Ross, T Niizeki, C Schneider, R Ramos, J Cramer, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.00910, arXiv:1709.00910v3, 2017
Direct imaging of current-induced antiferromagnetic switching revealing a pure thermomagnetoelastic switching mechanism in NiO
H Meer, F Schreiber, C Schmitt, R Ramos, E Saitoh, O Gomonay, J Sinova, ...
Nano letters 21 (1), 114-119, 2020
Propagation length of antiferromagnetic magnons governed by domain configurations
A Ross, R Lebrun, O Gomonay, DA Grave, A Kay, L Baldrati, S Becker, ...
Nano letters 20 (1), 306-313, 2019
Anisotropies and magnetic phase transitions in insulating antiferromagnets determined by a Spin-Hall magnetoresistance probe
R Lebrun, A Ross, O Gomonay, SA Bender, L Baldrati, F Kronast, ...
Communications Physics 2 (1), 50, 2019
Efficient Spin Torques in Antiferromagnetic Quantified by Comparing Field- and Current-Induced Switching
L Baldrati, C Schmitt, O Gomonay, R Lebrun, R Ramos, E Saitoh, J Sinova, ...
Physical review letters 125 (7), 077201, 2020
Evidence for spin to charge conversion in GeTe (111)
C Rinaldi, JC Rojas-Sánchez, RN Wang, Y Fu, S Oyarzun, L Vila, ...
APL Materials 4 (3), 2016
Concurrent magneto-optical imaging and magneto-transport readout of electrical switching of insulating antiferromagnetic thin films
F Schreiber, L Baldrati, C Schmitt, R Ramos, E Saitoh, R Lebrun, M Kläui
Applied Physics Letters 117 (8), 2020
Spin transport in multilayer systems with fully epitaxial NiO thin films
L Baldrati, C Schneider, T Niizeki, R Ramos, J Cramer, A Ross, E Saitoh, ...
Physical Review B 98 (1), 014409, 2018
Electrical Switching of Magnetization in the Artificial Multiferroic CoFeB/BaTiO3
L Baldrati, C Rinaldi, A Manuzzi, M Asa, L Aballe, M Foerster, N Biškup, ...
Advanced Electronic Materials 2 (7), 1600085, 2016
Structural sensitivity of the spin Hall magnetoresistance in antiferromagnetic thin films
A Ross, R Lebrun, C Ulloa, DA Grave, A Kay, L Baldrati, F Kronast, ...
Physical Review B 102 (9), 094415, 2020
Identification of Néel Vector Orientation in Antiferromagnetic Domains Switched by Currents in Thin Films
C Schmitt, L Baldrati, L Sanchez-Tejerina, F Schreiber, A Ross, ...
Physical Review Applied 15 (3), 034047, 2021
Strain-controlled responsiveness of slave half-doped manganite La0. 5Sr0. 5MnO3 layers inserted in BaTiO3 ferroelectric tunnel junctions
G Radaelli, D Gutiérrez, M Qian, I Fina, F Sánchez, L Baldrati, J Heidler, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.00679, 2016
Magneto-ionic effect in CoFeB thin films with in-plane and perpendicular-to-plane magnetic anisotropy
L Baldrati, AJ Tan, M Mann, R Bertacco, GSD Beach
Applied Physics Letters 110 (1), 2017
Identifying the origin of the nonmonotonic thickness dependence of spin-orbit torque and interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in a ferrimagnetic insulator heterostructure
S Ding, L Baldrati, A Ross, Z Ren, R Wu, S Becker, J Yang, G Jakob, ...
Physical Review B 102 (5), 054425, 2020
Orientation-dependent direct and inverse spin Hall effects in
J Cramer, A Ross, S Jaiswal, L Baldrati, R Lebrun, M Kläui
Physical Review B 99 (10), 104414, 2019
Electric field control of magnetic properties and electron transport in BaTiO3-based multiferroic heterostructures
M Asa, L Baldrati, C Rinaldi, S Bertoli, G Radaelli, M Cantoni, R Bertacco
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (50), 504004, 2015
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