Elvira Fantechi
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Cited by
A smart platform for hyperthermia application in cancer treatment: cobalt-doped ferrite nanoparticles mineralized in human ferritin cages
E Fantechi, C Innocenti, M Zanardelli, M Fittipaldi, E Falvo, M Carbo, ...
ACS nano 8 (5), 4705-4719, 2014
Influence of cobalt doping on the hyperthermic efficiency of magnetite nanoparticles
E Fantechi, C Innocenti, M Albino, E Lottini, C Sangregorio
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 380, 365-371, 2015
Exploring the effect of Co doping in fine maghemite nanoparticles
E Fantechi, G Campo, D Carta, A Corrias, C de Julián Fernández, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (14), 8261-8270, 2012
Surface Charge and Coating of CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles: Evidence of Preserved Magnetic and Electronic Properties
S Nappini, E Magnano, F Bondino, I Pis, A Barla, E Fantechi, F Pineider, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (45), 25529-25541, 2015
Precise Size Control of the Growth of Fe3O4 Nanocubes over a Wide Size Range Using a Rationally Designed One-Pot Synthesis
J Muro-Cruces, AG Roca, A López-Ortega, E Fantechi, D del-Pozo-Bueno, ...
ACS nano 13 (7), 7716-7728, 2019
Role of Zn2+ Substitution on the Magnetic, Hyperthermic, and Relaxometric Properties of Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles
M Albino, E Fantechi, C Innocenti, A López-Ortega, V Bonanni, G Campo, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (10), 6148-6157, 2019
Seeded Growth Synthesis of Au–Fe3O4 Heterostructured Nanocrystals: Rational Design and Mechanistic Insights
E Fantechi, AG Roca, B Sepulveda, P Torruella, S Estrade, F Peiro, E Coy, ...
Chemistry of Materials 29 (9), 4022-4035, 2017
Cell uptake enhancement of folate targeted polymer coated magnetic nanoparticles
M Licciardi, C Scialabba, G Cavallaro, C Sangregorio, E Fantechi, ...
Journal of biomedical nanotechnology 9 (6), 949-964, 2013
Characterization of magnetic nanoparticles from Magnetospirillum Gryphiswaldense as potential theranostics tools
T Orlando, S Mannucci, E Fantechi, G Conti, S Tambalo, A Busato, ...
Contrast media & molecular imaging 11 (2), 139-145, 2016
Functionalization of PEGylated Fe 3 O 4 magnetic nanoparticles with tetraphosphonate cavitand for biomedical application
C Tudisco, F Bertani, MT Cambria, F Sinatra, E Fantechi, C Innocenti, ...
Nanoscale 5 (23), 11438-11446, 2013
Solvothermally driven Mn doping and clustering of iron oxide nanoparticles for heat delivery applications
R Otero‐Lorenzo, E Fantechi, C Sangregorio, V Salgueiriño
Chemistry–A European Journal 22 (19), 6666-6675, 2016
Multifunctional nanoprobes based on upconverting lanthanide doped CaF 2: towards biocompatible materials for biomedical imaging
IX Cantarelli, M Pedroni, F Piccinelli, P Marzola, F Boschi, G Conti, ...
Biomaterials science 2 (9), 1158-1171, 2014
NMR-D study of the local spin dynamics and magnetic anisotropy in different nearly monodispersed ferrite nanoparticles
L Bordonali, T Kalaivani, KPV Sabareesh, C Innocenti, E Fantechi, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (6), 066008, 2013
Multifunctional magnetic nanoparticles for enhanced intracellular drug transport
C Tudisco, MT Cambria, F Sinatra, F Bertani, A Alba, AE Giuffrida, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 3 (20), 4134-4145, 2015
Invisible thermoplasmonic indium tin oxide nanoparticle ink for anti-counterfeiting applications
A Mazzotta, A Gabbani, M Carlotti, M Ruggeri, E Fantechi, A Ottomaniello, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (30), 35276-35286, 2022
On the mechanism of drug release from polysaccharide hydrogels cross-linked with magnetite nanoparticles by applying alternating magnetic fields: the case of doxo delivery
M Uva, L Mencuccini, A Atrei, C Innocenti, E Fantechi, C Sangregorio, ...
Gels 1 (1), 24-43, 2015
Dielectric Effects in FeOx-Coated Au Nanoparticles Boost the Magnetoplasmonic Response: Implications for Active Plasmonic Devices
A Gabbani, E Fantechi, G Petrucci, G Campo, C de Julián Fernández, ...
ACS Applied Nano Materials 4 (2), 1057-1066, 2021
EDS, HRTEM/STEM, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies of co-substituted maghemite nanoparticles
D Carta, A Corrias, A Falqui, R Brescia, E Fantechi, F Pineider, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (18), 9496-9506, 2013
Iron oxide nanoparticles (Fe3O4, γ-Fe2O3 and FeO) as photothermal heat mediators in the first, second and third biological windows
AG Roca, JF López-Barbera, A Lafuente, F Özel, E Fantechi, ...
Physics Reports 1043, 1-35, 2023
Modulation of the magnetic properties of gold-spinel ferrite heterostructured nanocrystals
E Fantechi, C Innocenti, G Bertoni, C Sangregorio, F Pineider
Nano Research 13, 785-794, 2020
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Articles 1–20