Danilo Godone
Danilo Godone
Geohazard Monitoring Group, CNR IRPI, Turin, Italy
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The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications
D Giordan, MS Adams, I Aicardi, M Alicandro, P Allasia, M Baldo, ...
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 79, 3437-3481, 2020
Assessment of climate change effects on mountain ecosystems through a cross-site analysis in the Alps and Apennines
M Rogora, L Frate, ML Carranza, M Freppaz, A Stanisci, I Bertani, ...
Science of the total environment 624, 1429-1442, 2018
Comparisons between different interpolation techniques
G Garnero, D Godone
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2014
UAV and structure from motion approach to monitor the maierato landslide evolution
D Godone, P Allasia, L Borrelli, G Gullą
Remote Sensing 12 (6), 1039, 2020
Relationship between man-made environment and slope stability: the case of 2014 rainfall events in the terraced landscape of the Liguria region (northwestern Italy)
D Giordan, M Cignetti, M Baldo, D Godone
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 8 (2), 1833-1852, 2017
Influence of permafrost, rock and ice glaciers on chemistry of high-elevation ponds (NW Italian Alps)
N Colombo, F Salerno, M Martin, M Malandrino, M Giardino, E Serra, ...
Science of the Total Environment 685, 886-901, 2019
Glacier melting increases the solute concentrations of Himalayan glacial lakes
F Salerno, M Rogora, R Balestrini, A Lami, GA Tartari, S Thakuri, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 50 (17), 9150-9160, 2016
Structure from motion multisource application for landslide characterization and monitoring: The champlas du col case study, sestriere, North-Western Italy
M Cignetti, D Godone, A Wrzesniak, D Giordan
Sensors 19 (10), 2364, 2019
Soil erosion caused by snow avalanches: a case study in the Aosta Valley (NW Italy)
M Freppaz, D Godone, G Filippa, M Maggioni, S Lunardi, MW Williams, ...
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 42 (4), 412-421, 2010
The role of morphometric parameters in Digital Terrain Models interpolation accuracy: a case study
D Godone, G Garnero
European Journal of Remote Sensing 46 (1), 198-214, 2013
Rainfall as primary driver of discharge and solute export from rock glaciers: The Col d'Olen Rock Glacier in the NW Italian Alps
N Colombo, S Gruber, M Martin, M Malandrino, A Magnani, D Godone, ...
Science of the Total Environment 639, 316-330, 2018
Progressive fragmentation of a traditional Mediterranean landscape by hazelnut plantations: The impact of CAP over time in the Langhe region (NW Italy)
D Godone, M Garbarino, E Sibona, G Garnero, F Godone
Land Use Policy 36, 259-266, 2014
A new experimental snow avalanche test site at Seehore peak in Aosta Valley (NW Italian Alps)—part I: conception and logistics
M Maggioni, M Freppaz, E Ceaglio, D Godone, D Viglietti, E Zanini, ...
Cold Regions Science and Technology 85, 175-182, 2013
Assessing the susceptibility of alpine soils to erosion using soil physical and site indicators
S Stanchi, M Freppaz, D Godone, E Zanini
Soil Use and Management 29 (4), 586-596, 2013
Patterns of larch establishment following deglaciation of Ventina glacier, central Italian Alps
M Garbarino, E Lingua, TA Nagel, D Godone, R Motta
Forest ecology and management 259 (3), 583-590, 2010
Rockfall susceptibility along the regional road network of Aosta Valley Region (northwestern Italy)
M Cignetti, D Godone, D Bertolo, M Paganone, P Thuegaz, D Giordan
Journal of Maps 17 (3), 54-64, 2021
High export of nitrogen and dissolved organic carbon from an Alpine glacier (Indren Glacier, NW Italian Alps)
N Colombo, D Bocchiola, M Martin, G Confortola, F Salerno, D Godone, ...
Aquatic Sciences 81, 1-13, 2019
Long-term trend of snow water equivalent in the Italian Alps
N Colombo, M Valt, E Romano, F Salerno, D Godone, P Cianfarra, ...
Journal of Hydrology 614, 128532, 2022
Rapid mapping application of vegetated terraces based on high resolution airborne LiDAR
D Godone, D Giordan, M Baldo
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 9 (1), 970-985, 2018
Soil and Land Use in the Alps—Challenges and Examples of Soil-Survey and Soil-Data Use to Support Sustainable Development
C Geitner, J Baruck, M Freppaz, D Godone, S Grashey-Jansen, FE Gruber, ...
Soil mapping and process modeling for sustainable land use management, 221-292, 2017
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Articles 1–20