Wilhelmina Savenye
Wilhelmina Savenye
Education Advisor & Professor Emeritus, Arizona State University
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Qualitative research issues and methods: An introduction for educational technologists
WC Savenye, RS Robinson
Handbook of research on educational communications and technology, 1030-1056, 2013
Technology in the classroom: The teacher's new role and resistance to it
RD Hannafin, WC Savenye
Educational Technology 33 (6), 26-31, 1993
Applying social cognitive constructs of motivation to enhance student success in online distance education
M Miltiadou, WC Savenye
AACE Review (formerly AACE Journal) 11 (1), 78-95, 2003
Effects of learner control, advisement, and prior knowledge on young students' learning in a hypertext environment
EC Shin, DL Schallert, WC Savenye
Educational Technology Research and Development 42, 33-46, 1994
Using qualitative research methods in higher education
WC Savenye, RS Robinson
Journal of computing in Higher education 16, 65-95, 2005
So you are going to be an online writing instructor: Issues in designing, developing, and delivering an online course
WC Savenye, Z Olina, M Niemczyk
Computers and Composition 18 (4), 371-385, 2001
How do learning styles relate to performance in a computer applications course?
GV Davidson, WC Savenye, KB Orr
Journal of research on Computing in Education 24 (3), 348-358, 1992
Effects of an educational computing course on preservice teachers' attitudes and anxiety toward computers
WC Savenye
Journal of Computing in Childhood Education 3 (1), 31-41, 1992
Mental effort and video-based learning: The relationship of preconceptions and the effects of interactive and covert practice
KS Cennamo, WC Savenye, PL Smith
Educational Technology Research and Development 39, 5-16, 1991
Collaboration modality, cognitive load, and science inquiry learning in virtual inquiry environments
BE Erlandson, BC Nelson, WC Savenye
Educational Technology Research and Development 58, 693-710, 2010
Effects of visual cues and self-explanation prompts: empirical evidence in a multimedia environment
L Lin, RK Atkinson, WC Savenye, BC Nelson
Interactive Learning Environments 24 (4), 799-813, 2016
Why maps improve memory for text: The influence of structural information on working memory operations
RW Kulhavy, WA Stock, MP Verdi, KA Rittschof, W Savenye
European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 5 (4), 375-392, 1993
Asynchronous discussion forum design to support cognition: Effects of rubrics and instructor prompts on learner’s critical thinking, achievement, and satisfaction
LA Giacumo, W Savenye
Educational Technology Research and Development 68 (1), 37-66, 2020
Improving Online Courses.
WC Savenye
Distance Learning 2 (6), 2005
Issues and challenges of creating video cases to be used with preservice teachers
TL Kurz, G Llama, W Savenye
TechTrends 49 (4), 67, 2005
Effects of cooperative and individual learning during learner-controlled computer-based instruction
SM Crooks, JD Klein, W Savenye, L Leader
The Journal of Experimental Education 66 (3), 223-244, 1998
Measuring teacher attitudes toward interactive computer technologies.
WC Savenye
Role models and student attitudes toward nontraditional careers
WC Savenye
Educational Technology Research and Development 38 (3), 5-13, 1990
Adult Learner Participation in an Online Degree Program: A program‐level study of voluntary computer‐mediated communication
EW Thompson, WC Savenye
Distance Education 28 (3), 299-312, 2007
Data collection and analysis
T van Gog, F Paas, W Savenye, R Robinson, M Niemczyk, R Atkinson, ...
Handbook of research on educational communications and technology, 763-806, 2008
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Articles 1–20