Andreas Krall
Andreas Krall
Professor of Computer Science, Vienna University of Technology
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Efficient JavaVM just-in-time compilation
A Krall
Proceedings. 1998 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and …, 1998
CACAO—A 64‐bit JavaVM just‐in‐time compiler
A Krall, R Grafl
Concurrency: Practice and Experience 9 (11), 1017-1030, 1997
Compilation techniques for multimedia processors
A Krall, S Lelait
International Journal of Parallel Programming 28, 347-361, 2000
vmgen—a generator of efficient virtual machine interpreters
MA Ertl, D Gregg, A Krall, B Paysan
Software: Practice and Experience 32 (3), 265-294, 2002
Ontology-driven guidance for requirements elicitation
S Farfeleder, T Moser, A Krall, T Stålhane, I Omoronyia, H Zojer
The Semanic Web: Research and Applications: 8th Extended Semantic Web …, 2011
Efficient type inclusion tests
J Vitek, RN Horspool, A Krall
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 32 (10), 142-157, 1997
DODT: Increasing requirements formalism using domain ontologies for improved embedded systems development
S Farfeleder, T Moser, A Krall, T Stålhane, H Zojer, C Panis
14th IEEE International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic …, 2011
Near optimal hierarchical encoding of types
A Krall, J Vitek, RN Horspool
ECOOP'97—Object-Oriented Programming: 11th European Conference Jyväskylä …, 1997
Register liveness analysis for optimizing dynamic binary translation
M Probst, A Krall, B Scholz
Ninth Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 2002. Proceedings., 35-44, 2002
Monitors and Exceptions: How to implement Java efficiently
A Krall, M Probst
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 10 (11‐13), 837-850, 1998
Generalized instruction selection using SSA-graphs
D Ebner, F Brandner, B Scholz, A Krall, P Wiedermann, A Kadlec
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGPLAN-SIGBED conference on Languages …, 2008
Improving semi-static branch prediction by code replication
A Krall
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 29 (6), 97-106, 1994
Software pipelining with register allocation and spilling
J Wang, A Krall, MA Ertl, C Eisenbeis
Proceedings of the 27th annual international symposium on Microarchitecture …, 1994
Fast and accurate simulation using the LLVM compiler framework
F Brandner, A Fellnhofer, A Krall, D Riegler
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Rapid Simulation and Performance …, 2009
Compiler generation from structural architecture descriptions
F Brandner, D Ebner, A Krall
Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Compilers, architecture …, 2007
The Vienna abstract machine
A Krall, U Neumerkel
Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming: International …, 1990
Pointer alignment analysis for processors with SIMD instructions
I Pryanishnikov, A Krall, N Horspool
na, 2003
Optimal instruction scheduling using constraint logic programming
MA Ertl, A Krall
International symposium on programming language implementation and logic …, 1991
Implementing an efficient Java interpreter
D Gregg, MA Ertl, A Krall
International Conference on High-Performance Computing and Networking, 613-620, 2001
Dependence-conscious global register allocation
W Ambrosch, MA Ertl, F Beer, A Krall
Programming Languages and System Architectures: International Conference …, 1994
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20