Melanie Khamis
Melanie Khamis
Professor of Economics, Wesleyan University
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Cited by
Does the minimum wage have a higher impact on the informal than on the formal labour market? Evidence from quasi-experiments
M Khamis
Applied Economics 45 (4), 477-495, 2013
The early labor market impacts of COVID-19 in developing countries
M Khamis, D Prinz, D Newhouse, A Palacios-Lopez, U Pape, M Weber
Policy research working paper 9510, 2021
Consumption and social identity: Evidence from India
M Khamis, N Prakash, Z Siddique
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 83 (3), 353-371, 2012
Comparative advantage, segmentation and informal earnings: A marginal treatment effects approach
O Arias, M Khamis
IZA discussion paper, 2009
Chapter 28 Ethnic Fragmentation, Conflict, Displaced Persons and Human Trafficking: An Empirical Analysis
RKQ Akee, AK Basu, NH Chau, M Khamis
Migration and culture, 691-716, 2010
A note on informality in the labour market
M Khamis
Journal of international development 24 (7), 894-908, 2012
Convergences in Men’s and Women’s Life Patterns: Lifetime Work, Lifetime Earnings, and Human Capital Investment☆ The authors would like to thank the participants of the IZA …
J Jacobsen, M Khamis, M Yuksel
Gender convergence in the labor market, 1-33, 2015
Convergences in Men’s and Women’s Life Patterns: Lifetime Work, Lifetime Earnings, and Human Capital Investment☆ The authors would like to thank the participants of the IZA …
J Jacobsen, M Khamis, M Yuksel
Gender convergence in the labor market, 1-33, 2015
Rubble women: the long-term effects of postwar reconstruction on female labor market outcomes
M Akbulut-Yuksel, M Khamis, M Yuksel
IZA Discussion Paper, 2011
Chapter 7 The Persistence of Informality: Evidence from Panel Data
A Akay, M Khamis
Informal Employment in Emerging and Transition Economies, 229-255, 2012
Formalization of jobs and firms in emerging market economies through registration reform
M Khamis
IZA World of Labor, 2014
Job quality and labour market transitions: Evidence from Mexican informal and formal workers
E Conover, M Khamis, S Pearlman
The Journal of Development Studies 58 (7), 1332-1348, 2022
Environment matters: new evidence from mexican migration
M Khamis, X Li
Applied Economics Letters 27 (3), 168-173, 2020
Risk attitudes and the incidence of informality among workers: Evidence from a transition country
T Dohmen, M Khamis, H Lehmann
German Institute for Economic Research, ESCIRRU Working Papers, 2010
The Evolving Labor Market Impacts of COVID-19 in Developing Countries
M Khamis, D Prinz, D Newhouse, A Palacios-Lopez, U Pape, M Weber
World Bank, Washington, DC, 2021
Is Informal Sector Work an Alternative to Workfare Benefits? The Case of Pre‐program Expansion and Economic Crisis
M Khamis
Review of Development Economics 16 (4), 579-593, 2012
It is not easy being a Green party: Green politics as a normal good
P Gourley, M Khamis
European Journal of Political Economy 76, 102266, 2023
Gender Imbalances and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Large-Scale Mexican Migration
E Conover, M Khamis, S Pearlman
IZA Journal of Development and Migration 12 (1), 2021
The early labor market impacts of covid-19 in developing countries: Evidence from high-frequency phone surveys
M Khamis, D Prinz, D Newhouse, A Palacios-Lopez, U Pape, M Weber
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank, 2021
Risk attitudes and the incidence among workers: Evidence from a transition country. Bonn, Middletown, CT and Bologna
T Dohmen, M Khamis, H Lehmann
mimeo, 2013
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Articles 1–20