Matteo Valsecchi
Matteo Valsecchi
Dipartimento di Psicologia, Universitá di Bologna
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Human microsaccade-related visual brain responses
O Dimigen, M Valsecchi, W Sommer, R Kliegl
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (39), 12321-12331, 2009
A review of interactions between peripheral and foveal vision
EEM Stewart, M Valsecchi, AC Schütz
Journal of vision 20 (12), 2-2, 2020
Attention makes moving objects be perceived to move faster
M Turatto, M Vescovi, M Valsecchi
Vision research 47 (2), 166-178, 2007
Visual oddballs induce prolonged microsaccadic inhibition
M Valsecchi, E Betta, M Turatto
Experimental Brain Research 177, 196-208, 2007
Microsaccadic responses in a bimodal oddball task
M Valsecchi, M Turatto
Psychological research 73, 23-33, 2009
Top-down influences on ambiguous perception: the role of stable and transient states of the observer
L Scocchia, M Valsecchi, J Triesch
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 979, 2014
Optimal sampling of visual information for lightness judgments
M Toscani, M Valsecchi, KR Gegenfurtner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (27), 11163-11168, 2013
Perceived numerosity is reduced in peripheral vision
M Valsecchi, M Toscani, KR Gegenfurtner
Journal of vision 13 (13), 7-7, 2013
Dynamic re-calibration of perceived size in fovea and periphery through predictable size changes
M Valsecchi, KR Gegenfurtner
Current Biology 26 (1), 59-63, 2016
The speed and accuracy of material recognition in natural images
CB Wiebel, M Valsecchi, KR Gegenfurtner
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 75, 954-966, 2013
Eidolons: Novel stimuli for vision research
J Koenderink, M Valsecchi, A van Doorn, J Wagemans, K Gegenfurtner
Journal of Vision 17 (2), 7-7, 2017
Microsaccades distinguish between global and local visual processing
M Turatto, M Valsecchi, L Tame, E Betta
Neuroreport 18 (10), 1015-1018, 2007
An evaluation of different measures of color saturation
F Schiller, M Valsecchi, KR Gegenfurtner
Vision research 151, 117-134, 2018
Microsaccadic response to visual events that are invisible to the superior colliculus.
M Valsecchi, M Turatto
Behavioral neuroscience 121 (4), 786, 2007
Variations in daylight as a contextual cue for estimating season, time of day, and weather conditions
JJM Granzier, M Valsecchi
Journal of vision 14 (1), 22-22, 2014
Lightness perception for matte and glossy complex shapes
M Toscani, M Valsecchi, KR Gegenfurtner
Vision research 131, 82-95, 2017
Saccadic and smooth-pursuit eye movements during reading of drifting texts
M Valsecchi, KR Gegenfurtner, AC Schütz
Journal of vision 13 (10), 8-8, 2013
Are the effects of attention on speed judgments genuinely perceptual?
M Valsecchi, M Vescovi, M Turatto
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 72, 637-650, 2010
Visual working memory contents bias ambiguous structure from motion perception
L Scocchia, M Valsecchi, KR Gegenfurtner, J Triesch
PloS one 8 (3), e59217, 2013
Attention is allocated closely ahead of the target during smooth pursuit eye movements: Evidence from EEG frequency tagging
J Chen, M Valsecchi, KR Gegenfurtner
Neuropsychologia 102, 206-216, 2017
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