Martino Bernard
Cited by
Cited by
Intermodal four-wave mixing in silicon waveguides
S Signorini, M Mancinelli, M Borghi, M Bernard, M Ghulinyan, G Pucker, ...
Photonics Research 6 (8), 805-814, 2018
High-frequency electro-optic measurement of strained silicon racetrack resonators
M Borghi, M Mancinelli, F Merget, J Witzens, M Bernard, M Ghulinyan, ...
Optics letters 40 (22), 5287-5290, 2015
Quadratic soliton combs in doubly resonant second-harmonic generation
T Hansson, P Parra-Rivas, M Bernard, F Leo, L Gelens, S Wabnitz
Optics letters 43 (24), 6033-6036, 2018
Unidirectional reflection from an integrated “taiji” microresonator
A Calabrese, F Ramiro-Manzano, HM Price, S Biasi, M Bernard, ...
Photonics Research 8 (8), 1333-1341, 2020
Intermode reactive coupling induced by waveguide-resonator interaction
M Ghulinyan, FR Manzano, N Prtljaga, M Bernard, L Pavesi, G Pucker, ...
Physical Review A 90 (5), 053811, 2014
Modulational instability of nonlinear polarization mode coupling in microresonators
T Hansson, M Bernard, S Wabnitz
JOSA B 35 (4), 835-841, 2018
Silicon nanocrystals for nonlinear optics and secure communications
Z Bisadi, M Mancinelli, S Manna, S Tondini, M Bernard, A Samusenko, ...
physica status solidi (a) 212 (12), 2659-2671, 2015
Formation of mach angle profiles during wet etching of silica and silicon nitride materials
M Ghulinyan, M Bernard, R Bartali, G Pucker
Applied Surface Science 359, 679-686, 2015
Ultra-high-Q thin-silicon nitride strip-loaded ring resonators
L Stefan, M Bernard, R Guider, G Pucker, L Pavesi, M Ghulinyan
Optics letters 40 (14), 3316-3319, 2015
Top-down convergence of near-infrared photonics with silicon substrate-integrated electronics
M Bernard, F Acerbi, G Paternoster, G Piccoli, L Gemma, D Brunelli, ...
Optica 8 (11), 1363-1364, 2021
Silicon photonics chip for inter-modal four wave mixing on a broad wavelength range
S Signorini, M Finazzer, M Bernard, M Ghulinyan, G Pucker, L Pavesi
Frontiers in Physics 7, 128, 2019
Homodyne detection of free carrier induced electro-optic modulation in strained silicon resonators
M Borghi, M Mancinelli, M Bernard, M Ghulinyan, G Pucker, L Pavesi
Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 (24), 5657-5668, 2016
Field-induced nonlinearities in silicon waveguides embedded in lateral pn junctions
C Castellan, R Franchi, S Biasi, M Bernard, M Ghulinyan, L Pavesi
Frontiers in Physics 7, 104, 2019
Tuning the strain-induced resonance shift in silicon racetrack resonators by their orientation
C Castellan, A Chalyan, M Mancinelli, P Guilleme, M Borghi, F Bosia, ...
Optics express 26 (4), 4204-4218, 2018
Complete crossing of Fano resonances in an optical microcavity via nonlinear tuning
M Bernard, FR Manzano, L Pavesi, G Pucker, I Carusotto, M Ghulinyan
Photonics Research 5 (3), 168-175, 2017
Permanent mitigation of loss in ultrathin silicon-on-insulator high-Q resonators using ultraviolet light
G Piccoli, M Bernard, M Ghulinyan
Optica 5 (10), 1271-1278, 2018
Stimulated degenerate four-wave mixing in Si nanocrystal waveguides
S Manna, M Bernard, S Biasi, FR Manzano, M Mancinelli, M Ghulinyan, ...
Journal of Optics 18 (7), 075801, 2016
Analysis of control and sensing interfaces in a photonic integrated chip solution for quantum computing
L Gemma, M Bernard, M Ghulinyan, D Brunelli
Proceedings of the 17th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers …, 2020
Broad wavelength generation and conversion with multi modal four wave mixing in silicon waveguides
S Signorini, M Mancinelli, M Bernard, M Ghulinyan, G Pucker, L Pavesi
2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), 59-60, 2017
Electric field-induced second harmonic generation in silicon waveguide by interdigitated contacts
C Vecchi, C Castellan, M Ghulinyan, M Bernard, L Pavesi
Integrated Photonics Platforms: Fundamental Research, Manufacturing and …, 2020
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Articles 1–20