Carl Petersen
Carl Petersen
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Petilla terminology: nomenclature of features of GABAergic interneurons of the cerebral cortex
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 9 (7), 557-568, 2008
The excitatory neuronal network of the C2 barrel column in mouse primary somatosensory cortex
S Lefort, C Tomm, JCF Sarria, CCH Petersen
Neuron 61 (2), 301-316, 2009
Internal brain state regulates membrane potential synchrony in barrel cortex of behaving mice
JFA Poulet, CCH Petersen
Nature 454 (7206), 881-885, 2008
The functional organization of the barrel cortex
CCH Petersen
Neuron 56 (2), 339-355, 2007
Interaction of sensory responses with spontaneous depolarization in layer 2/3 barrel cortex
CCH Petersen, TTG Hahn, M Mehta, A Grinvald, B Sakmann
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (23), 13638-13643, 2003
Spatiotemporal dynamics of cortical sensorimotor integration in behaving mice
I Ferezou, F Haiss, LJ Gentet, R Aronoff, B Weber, CCH Petersen
Neuron 56 (5), 907-923, 2007
Correlating whisker behavior with membrane potential in barrel cortex of awake mice
S Crochet, CCH Petersen
Nature neuroscience 9 (5), 608-610, 2006
Visualizing the cortical representation of whisker touch: voltage-sensitive dye imaging in freely moving mice
I Ferezou, S Bolea, CCH Petersen
Neuron 50 (4), 617-629, 2006
Unique functional properties of somatostatin-expressing GABAergic neurons in mouse barrel cortex
LJ Gentet, Y Kremer, H Taniguchi, ZJ Huang, JF Staiger, CCH Petersen
Nature neuroscience 15 (4), 607-612, 2012
Spatiotemporal dynamics of sensory responses in layer 2/3 of rat barrel cortex measured in vivo by voltage-sensitive dye imaging combined with whole-cell voltage recordings and …
CCH Petersen, A Grinvald, B Sakmann
Journal of neuroscience 23 (4), 1298-1309, 2003
Membrane potential dynamics of GABAergic neurons in the barrel cortex of behaving mice
LJ Gentet, M Avermann, F Matyas, JF Staiger, CCH Petersen
Neuron 65 (3), 422-435, 2010
Motor control by sensory cortex
F Matyas, V Sreenivasan, F Marbach, C Wacongne, B Barsy, C Mateo, ...
Science 330 (6008), 1240-1243, 2010
Barrel cortex function
D Feldmeyer, M Brecht, F Helmchen, CCH Petersen, JFA Poulet, ...
Progress in neurobiology 103, 3-27, 2013
Membrane potential correlates of sensory perception in mouse barrel cortex
S Sachidhanandam, V Sreenivasan, A Kyriakatos, Y Kremer, ...
Nature neuroscience 16 (11), 1671-1677, 2013
Ultrastructural analysis of adult mouse neocortex comparing aldehyde perfusion with cryo fixation
N Korogod, CCH Petersen, GW Knott
elife 4, e05793, 2015
All-or-none potentiation at CA3-CA1 synapses
CCH Petersen, RC Malenka, RA Nicoll, JJ Hopfield
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (8), 4732-4737, 1998
Long‐range connectivity of mouse primary somatosensory barrel cortex
R Aronoff, F Matyas, C Mateo, C Ciron, B Schneider, CCH Petersen
European Journal of Neuroscience 31 (12), 2221-2233, 2010
Thalamic control of cortical states
JFA Poulet, LMJ Fernandez, S Crochet, CCH Petersen
Nature neuroscience 15 (3), 370-372, 2012
Calcium and hormone action
OH Petersen, CCH Petersen, H Kasai
Annual review of physiology 56 (1), 297-319, 1994
Synaptic mechanisms underlying sparse coding of active touch
S Crochet, JFA Poulet, Y Kremer, CCH Petersen
Neuron 69 (6), 1160-1175, 2011
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20