Angel Fernando Soto Sarango (ORCID:0000-0003-1704-8417)
Angel Fernando Soto Sarango (ORCID:0000-0003-1704-8417)
Professor of Calculus Several Variables - Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Ecuador
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A system to monitor tremors in patients with Parkinson's disease
A Bermeo, M Bravo, M Huerta, A Soto
2016 38th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2016
Tremors quantification in parkinson patients using smartwatches
R Contreras, M Huerta, G Sagbay, C LLumiguano, M Bravo, A Bermeo, ...
2016 IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM), 1-6, 2016
PLATANO: Intelligent technological support platform for azuay province farmers in Ecuador
A García-Cedeño, JC Guillermo, B Barzallo, C Punín, A Soto, D Rivas, ...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering Veracruz (ICEV) 1, 1-7, 2019
A system for finger tremor quantification in patients with Parkinson's disease
M Bravo, A Bermeo, M Huerta, C Llumiguano, J Bermeo, R Clotet, A Soto
2017 39th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2017
Sensing climatic variables in a orchid greenhouse
L Fernandez, M Huerta, G Sagbay, R Clotet, A Soto
2017 International Caribbean Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems …, 2017
Wireless system for detection of FOG in patients with Parkinson's Disease
C Punin, B Barzallo, M Huerta, J Bermeo, C Llumiguano, A Soto, R Clotet
2017 Global Medical Engineering Physics Exchanges/Pan American Health Care …, 2017
Evaluation of QoS in data mobile network for vital signs transmission
D Chandy, A Soto, M Huerta, JP Bermeo, R Clotet, G Sagbay, R Avila
2016 IEEE Healthcare Innovation Point-Of-Care Technologies Conference (HI …, 2016
Design of telemedicine management system in ecuador
J Espinoza, D Chandy, S Ochoa, J Jiménez, M Huerta, A Soto, G Sagbay, ...
2016 IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM), 1-6, 2016
Analysis of corporal movement alterations using a 3D body tracking sensor
R Torres, R Clotet, R Gonzalez, J Pirrone, G Sagbay, D Rivas, A Soto
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE), 202-205, 2015
Analysis of hand movements in patients with Parkinson’s Disease using Kinect
W Saraguro, B Barzallo, J Guillermo, A García-Cedeño, A Soto, D Rivas, ...
2019 IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application …, 2019
Designing a wireless sensor network for vehicular traffic and CO2 pollution monitoring in an urban area
BAB Granda, LAB Belduma, EJC Gonzalez, AFS Sarango
2017 IEEE 9th Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), 1-6, 2017
Safer: A context-aware ubiquitous assistance platform for elderly care
JF Bravo-Torres, HS Redrován-Parra, AF Soto-Sarango, ...
VII Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2016 …, 2017
An upper-limbs activities analysis of PD patients in OFF and ON state of medication
M Bravo, A Bermeo, R Contreras, M Huerta, A Soto, J Bermeo, G Sagbay, ...
2016 IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM), 1-5, 2016
Diseño de una red de comunicación vehicular inteligente, integrando la tecnología Ad-Hoc con LTE, para la movilidad en la zona urbana de la ciudad de Cuenca
DAA Palaguachi, EEE Tenempaguay
Master’s Thesis, 2015
Gait Modelling of People with Parkinson’s Disease
A Soto, M Huerta, JP Bermeo, G Sagbay
2020 IEEE ANDESCON, 1-6, 2020
Diseño e implementación de un sistema recomendador de eventos de interés para personas de la tercera edad mediante geolocalización
CE Vicuña Lojano
Diseño de una red de comunicación vehicular inteligente, integrando la tecnología Ad-Hoc con LTE, para la movilidad en la zona urbana de la ciudad de Cuenca
DA Aucancela Palaguachi, EE Espinoza Tenempaguay
Pago electrónico a través de teléfonos móviles
FP Espinosa Peñaherrera, ÁF Soto Sarango
Analysis of Alternating Hand Movement in Parkinson’s Disease Patients
W Saraguro, B Barzallo, A García-Cedeño, JC Guillermo, C Punín, Á Soto, ...
VIII Latin American Conference on Biomedical Engineering and XLII National …, 2020
Diseño e implementación de una red de sensores inalámbricos para el monitoreo de factores ambientales abióticos que afectan al cultivo de Solanum Phureja (papa chaucha amarilla)
LP Sumba Quito, DL Torres Simancas
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20