Rachel W. Martin
Rachel W. Martin
Professor of Chemistry and Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
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Assignment of the backbone resonances for microcrystalline ubiquitin
TI Igumenova, AJ Wand, AE McDermott
Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (16), 5323-5331, 2004
Partial NMR assignments for uniformly (13C, 15N)-enriched BPTI in the solid state
A McDermott, T Polenova, A Bockmann, KW Zilm, EK Paulsen, RW Martin, ...
Journal of biomolecular NMR 16, 209-219, 2000
Preparation of protein nanocrystals and their characterization by solid state NMR
RW Martin, KW Zilm
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 165 (1), 162-174, 2003
Polarization transfer solid-state NMR for studying surfactant phase behavior
A Nowacka, PC Mohr, J Norrman, RW Martin, D Topgaard
Langmuir 26 (22), 16848-16856, 2010
Design of a triple resonance magic angle sample spinning probe for high field solid state nuclear magnetic resonance
RW Martin, EK Paulson, KW Zilm
Review of Scientific Instruments 74 (6), 3045-3061, 2003
Separating instability from aggregation propensity in γS-crystallin variants
WD Brubaker, JA Freites, KJ Golchert, RA Shapiro, V Morikis, DJ Tobias, ...
Biophysical journal 100 (2), 498-506, 2011
“Shim pulses” for NMR spectroscopy and imaging
D Topgaard, RW Martin, D Sakellariou, CA Meriles, A Pines
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (51), 17576-17581, 2004
Cross polarization, radio frequency field homogeneity, and circuit balancing in high field solid state NMR probes
EK Paulson, RW Martin, KW Zilm
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 171 (2), 314-323, 2004
Protein refractive index increment is determined by conformation as well as composition
D Khago, JC Bierma, KW Roskamp, N Kozlyuk, RW Martin
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (43), 435101, 2018
Preferential and specific binding of human αB-crystallin to a cataract-related variant of γS-crystallin
CN Kingsley, WD Brubaker, S Markovic, A Diehl, AJ Brindley, H Oschkinat, ...
Structure 21 (12), 2221-2227, 2013
Function and aggregation in structural eye lens crystallins
KW Roskamp, CN Paulson, WD Brubaker, RW Martin
Accounts of chemical research 53 (4), 863-874, 2020
Variable temperature system using vortex tube cooling and fiber optic temperature measurement for low temperature magic angle spinning NMR
RW Martin, KW Zilm
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 168 (2), 202-209, 2004
Stability of protein-specific hydration shell on crowding
KY Huang, CN Kingsley, R Sheil, CY Cheng, JC Bierma, KW Roskamp, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (16), 5392-5402, 2016
Thermal stabilization of DMPC/DHPC bicelles by addition of cholesterol sulfate
RA Shapiro, AJ Brindley, RW Martin
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (33), 11406-11407, 2010
α-Crystallins in the vertebrate eye lens: Complex oligomers and molecular chaperones
MA Sprague-Piercy, MA Rocha, AO Kwok, RW Martin
Annual review of physical chemistry 72 (1), 143-163, 2021
Large-scale recombinant production of the SARS-CoV-2 proteome for high-throughput and structural biology applications
N Altincekic, SM Korn, NS Qureshi, M Dujardin, M Ninot-Pedrosa, R Abele, ...
Frontiers in molecular biosciences 8, 653148, 2021
Segmental order parameters in a nonionic surfactant lamellar phase studied with 1 H–13C solid-state NMR
TM Ferreira, B Medronho, RW Martin, D Topgaard
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10 (39), 6033-6038, 2008
Multipole shimming of permanent magnets using harmonic corrector rings
RC Jachmann, DR Trease, LS Bouchard, D Sakellariou, RW Martin, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 78 (3), 2007
Novel proteases from the genome of the carnivorous plant Drosera capensis: Structural prediction and comparative analysis
CT Butts, JC Bierma, RW Martin
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 84 (10), 1517-1533, 2016
Probing the motional behavior of eumelanin and pheomelanin with solid‐state NMR spectroscopy: new insights into the pigment properties
P Thureau, F Ziarelli, A Thévand, RW Martin, PJ Farmer, S Viel, G Mollica
Chemistry–A European Journal 18 (34), 10689-10700, 2012
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Articles 1–20