Scott Painter
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dfnWorks: A discrete fracture network framework for modeling subsurface flow and transport
JD Hyman, S Karra, N Makedonska, CW Gable, SL Painter, ...
Computers & Geosciences 84, 10-19, 2015
Conforming Delaunay triangulation of stochastically generated three dimensional discrete fracture networks: A feature rejection algorithm for meshing strategy
JD Hyman, CW Gable, SL Painter, N Makedonska
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 36 (4), A1871-A1894, 2014
Stochastic simulation of radionuclide migration in discretely fractured rock near the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory
V Cvetkovic, S Painter, N Outters, JO Selroos
Water resources research 40 (2), W02404, 2004
Evidence for non-Gaussian scaling behavior in heterogeneous sedimentary formations
S Painter
Water Resources Research 32 (5), 1183-1195, 1996
Machine learning assisted hybrid models can improve streamflow simulation in diverse catchments across the conterminous US
G Konapala, SC Kao, SL Painter, D Lu
Environmental Research Letters 15 (10), 104022, 2020
Upscaling discrete fracture network simulations: An alternative to continuum transport models
S Painter, V Cvetkovic
Water Resour. Res 41, W02002, 2005
Three-phase numerical model of water migration in partially frozen geological media: model formulation, validation, and applications
SL Painter
Computational Geosciences 15, 69-85, 2011
Integrated surface/subsurface permafrost thermal hydrology: Model formulation and proof‐of‐concept simulations
SL Painter, ET Coon, AL Atchley, M Berndt, R Garimella, JD Moulton, ...
Water Resources Research 52 (8), 6062-6077, 2016
Conceptualization and simulation of the Edwards aquifer, San Antonio region, Texas
RJ Lindgren, AR Dutton, SD Hovorka, SRH Worthington, S Painter, ...
Scientific Investigations Report. United States Geological Survey, 2004
Effect of advective flow in fractures and matrix diffusion on natural gas production
S Karra, N Makedonska, HS Viswanathan, SL Painter, JD Hyman
Water Resources Research 51 (10), 8646-8657, 2015
Non-isothermal, three-phase simulations of near-surface flows in a model permafrost system under seasonal variability and climate change
A Frampton, S Painter, SW Lyon, G Destouni
Journal of Hydrology, 2011
Particle tracking approach for transport in three-dimensional discrete fracture networks: Particle tracking in 3-D DFNs
N Makedonska, SL Painter, QM Bui, CW Gable, S Karra
Computational Geosciences 19, 1123-1137, 2015
Modeling the role of preferential snow accumulation in through talik development and hillslope groundwater flow in a transitional permafrost landscape
EE Jafarov, ET Coon, DR Harp, CJ Wilson, SL Painter, AL Atchley, ...
Environmental Research Letters 13 (10), 105006, 2018
Evaluating the effect of internal aperture variability on transport in kilometer scale discrete fracture networks
N Makedonska, JD Hyman, S Karra, SL Painter, CW Gable, ...
Advances in Water Resources 94, 486-497, 2016
Permafrost degradation and subsurface-flow changes caused by surface warming trends
A Frampton, SL Painter, G Destouni
Hydrogeology Journal 21 (1), 271, 2013
Time domain particle tracking methods for simulating transport with retention and first‐order transformation
S Painter, V Cvetkovic, J Mancillas, O Pensado
Water resources research 44 (1), 2008
A constrained robust least squares approach for contaminant release history identification
AY Sun, SL Painter, GW Wittmeyer
Water resources research 42 (4), W04414, 2006
Fractional Lévy motion as a model for spatial variability in sedimentary rock
S Painter, L Paterson
Geophysical research letters 21 (25), 2857-2860, 1994
Influence of injection mode on transport properties in kilometer‐scale three‐dimensional discrete fracture networks
JD Hyman, SL Painter, H Viswanathan, N Makedonska, S Karra
Water Resources Research 51 (9), 7289-7308, 2015
Three-phase numerical model for subsurface hydrology in permafrost-affected regions (PFLOTRAN-ICE v1. 0)
S Karra, SL Painter, PC Lichtner
The Cryosphere 8 (5), 1935-1950, 2014
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