Michele Battisti
Michele Battisti
Professor of Economics, University of Palermo
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Institutions and geography: Empirical test of spatial growth models for European regions
G Arbia, M Battisti, G Di Vaio
Economic modelling 27 (1), 12-21, 2010
A spatially filtered mixture of β-convergence regressions for EU regions, 1980–2002
M Battisti, G De Vaio
Empirical Economics 34, 105-121, 2008
Flexible wage contracts, temporary jobs, and firm performance: Evidence from Italian firms
M Battisti, G Vallanti
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 52 (3), 737-764, 2013
Technology and labor regulations: theory and evidence
A Alesina, M Battisti, J Zeira
Journal of Economic Growth 23 (1), 41-78, 2018
Labor productivity growth: disentangling technology and capital accumulation
M Battisti, M Del Gatto, C Parmeter
Journal of Economic Growth 23 (1), 111-143, 2018
Unbundling Technology Adoption and tfp at the Firm Level: Do Intangibles Matter?
M Battisti, F Belloc, M Del Gatto
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 24 (2), 390-414, 2015
Schools opening and Covid-19 diffusion: Evidence from geolocalized microdata
E Amodio, M Battisti, A Kourtellos, G Maggio, CM Maida
European Economic Review 143, 104003, 2022
Do robots complement or substitute for older workers?
M Battisti, AF Gravina
Economics Letters 208, 110064, 2021
Labor productivity and firm-level TFP with technology-specific production functions
M Battisti, F Belloc, M Del Gatto
Review of Economic Dynamics 35, 283-300, 2020
Clustering and polarization in the distribution of output: A multivariate perspective
M Battisti, CF Parmeter
Journal of Macroeconomics 35, 144-162, 2013
Convergence and divergence: a new approach, new data, and new results
M Battisti, G Di Vaio, J Zeira
Macroeconomic Dynamics 26 (4), 945-978, 2022
World interest rates and inequality: insight from the Galor–Zeira model
M Battisti, T Fioroni, AM Lavezzi
Macroeconomic Dynamics 24 (5), 1042-1072, 2020
Reassessing segmentation in the labour market: an application for Italy 1995–2004
M Battisti
Bulletin of Economic Research 65, s38-s55, 2013
Is the productivity premium of internationalized firms technology-driven?
M Battisti, F Belloc, M Del Gatto
Empirical Economics 60 (6), 3069-3102, 2021
Resisting the extortion racket: An empirical analysis
M Battisti, AM Lavezzi, L Masserini, M Pratesi
European Journal of Law and Economics 46, 1-37, 2018
Skill-biased technical change and labor market inefficiency
M Battisti, M Del Gatto, CF Parmeter
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 139, 104428, 2022
Will the last be the first? School closures and educational outcomes
M Battisti, G Maggio
European Economic Review 154, 104405, 2023
Shooting down the price: Evidence from Mafia homicides and housing prices
M Battisti, G Bernardo, AM Lavezzi, G Maggio
Papers in Regional Science 101 (3), 659-684, 2022
GDP clustering: A reappraisal
M Battisti, CF Parmeter
Economics Letters 117 (3), 837-840, 2012
Socio-economic inequalities and organized crime: An empirical analysis
M Battisti, G Bernardo, A Konstantinidi, A Kourtellos, AM Lavezzi
Understanding recruitment to organized crime and terrorism, 205-239, 2020
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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