Emanuele Di Buccio
Emanuele Di Buccio
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Lucene4IR: Developing information retrieval evaluation resources using Lucene
L Azzopardi, Y Moshfeghi, M Halvey, RS Alkhawaldeh, K Balog, ...
ACM SIGIR Forum 50 (2), 58-75, 2017
How quantum theory is developing the field of information retrieval
D Song, M Lalmas, CJ Van Rijsbergen, I Frommholz, B Piwowarski, ...
AAAI Press, 2010
DIRECTions: design and specification of an IR evaluation infrastructure
M Agosti, ED Buccio, N Ferro, I Masiero, S Peruzzo, G Silvello
International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European …, 2012
Tracking biomedicalization in the media: Public discourses on health and medicine in the UK and Italy, 1984–2017
F Neresini, S Crabu, E Di Buccio
Social Science & Medicine 243, 112621, 2019
Detecting verbose queries and improving information retrieval
E Di Buccio, M Melucci, F Moro
Information Processing & Management 50 (2), 342-360, 2014
Binary Classification Model Inspired from Quantum Detection Theory
E Di Buccio, Q Li, M Melucci, P Tiwari
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of …, 2018
Unfolding off-the-shelf IR systems for reproducibility
E Di Buccio, GM Di Nunzio, N Ferro, DK Harman, M Maistro, G Silvello
Proc. SIGIR Workshop on Reproducibility, Inexplicability, and …, 2015
An Efficient Identification Methodology for Improved Access to Music Heritage Collections.
N Montecchio, E Di Buccio, N Orio
Journal of Multimedia 7 (2), 145-158, 2012
Towards predicting relevance using a quantum-like framework
ED Buccio, M Melucci, D Song
European Conference on Information Retrieval, 755-758, 2011
Efficient Parameter Estimation for Information Retrieval Using Black-Box Optimization
A Costa, E Di Buccio, M Melucci, G Nannicini
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 30 (7), 1240 - 1253, 2018
When scientific experts come to be media stars: An evolutionary model tested by analysing coronavirus media coverage across Italian newspapers
F Neresini, P Giardullo, E Di Buccio, B Morsello, A Cammozzo, ...
Plos one 18 (4), e0284841, 2023
A curated and evolving linguistic linked dataset
E Di Buccio, GM Di Nunzio, G Silvello
Semantic Web 4 (3), 265-270, 2013
A scalable cover identification engine
E Di Buccio, N Montecchio, N Orio
Proceedings of the 18th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1143-1146, 2010
Exploring socio-technical future scenarios in the media: the energy transition case in Italian daily newspapers
F Neresini, P Giardullo, E Di Buccio, A Cammozzo
Quality & Quantity 54 (1), 147-168, 2020
A linked open data approach for geolinguistics applications
ED Buccio, GMD Nunzio, G Silvello
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies 9 (1), 29-41, 2014
Distributed Information Retrieval and Automatic Identification of Music Works in SAPIR.
M Agosti, E Di Buccio, GM Di Nunzio, N Ferro, M Melucci, R Miotto, N Orio
SEBD, 479-482, 2007
Unveiling Latent States Behind Social Indicators.
E Di Buccio, A Lorenzet, M Melucci, F Neresini
SoGood@ ECML-PKDD, 2016
Content-based Information Retrieval in SPINA.
E Di Buccio, N Ferro, M Melucci
IRCDL, 89-92, 2008
TIPS: Search and Analytics for Social Science Research
E Di Buccio, A Cammozzo, F Neresini, A Zanatta
Monitoring Technoscientific Issues in the News
A Cammozzo, E Di Buccio, F Neresini
ECML PKDD 2020 Workshops, 536-553, 2020
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Articles 1–20