David Thery
David Thery
Opera Sound & Space
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Auralization uses in acoustical design: A survey study of acoustical consultants
D Thery, V Boccara, BFG Katz
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 145 (6), 3446-3456, 2019
Anechoic audio and 3D-video content database of small ensemble performances for virtual concerts
D Thery, BFG Katz
Intl Cong on Acoustics (ICA), 2019
Spatial presence in real and remote immersive environments and the effect of multisensory stimulation
N Khenak, V Jeanne, P Bourdot
Presence 27 (3), 287-308, 2020
Spatial presence in real and remote immersive environments
N Khenak, JM Vezien, D Thery, P Bourdot
2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 1016-1017, 2019
Objective and perceptive evaluations of high-resolution room acoustic simulations and auralizations
BF Katz, B Postma, D Thery, D Poirier-Quinot, P Luizard
Euronoise, 2107-2114, 2018
Impact of the visual rendering system on subjective auralization assessment in VR
D Thery, D Poirier-Quinot, BNJ Postma, BFG Katz
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: 14th EuroVR International Conference …, 2017
Speech intelligibility for target and masker with different spectra
T Leclère, D Théry, M Lavandier, JF Culling
Physiology, psychoacoustics and cognition in normal and impaired hearing …, 2016
Auditory perception stability evaluation comparing binaural and loudspeaker Ambisonic presentations of dynamic virtual concert auralizations
D Thery, BFG Katz
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149 (1), 246-258, 2021
Architectural acoustic design: Observation of use cases including audio-only and multimodal auralizations
D Thery, D Poirier-Quinot, S Jouan, BFG Katz, V Boccara
Building Acoustics 29 (1), 179-199, 2022
Influence des visuels sur l'évaluation subjective d'auralisations dans un contexte de réalité virtuelle
D Thery, BNJ Postma, BFG Katz
29ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, 10 p., 2017
Auralization creation: collaboration between Sorbonne Université and theatre projects
D Thery, BFG Katz, D Poirier-Quinot
Sorbonne Université, 2020
Architectural auralizations: towards the integration of virtual acoustic design in architecture
D Thery
Université Paris-Saclay, 2020
Auralization of virtual concerts: A subjective evaluation comparing binaural and ambisonic rendering
D Thery
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 145 (3_Supplement), 1890-1890, 2019
Auralizations use in acoustical design: preliminary results of a survey study
D Thery, V Boccara, BFG Katz
Auditorium Acoustics, 2018
Intelligibilité dans le bruit: mesures expérimentales et modélisation pour des sources de spectres différents
D Théry
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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