Lorella Lotto
Lorella Lotto
Professore Ordinario, Dipartimento di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e della Socializzazione, Università
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Associations of COVID-19 risk perception with vaccine hesitancy over time for Italian residents
M Caserotti, P Girardi, E Rubaltelli, A Tasso, L Lotto, T Gavaruzzi
Social science & medicine 272, 113688, 2021
Effects of learning method and word type on acquiring vocabulary in an unfamiliar language
L Lotto, AMB De Groot
Language learning 48 (1), 31-69, 1998
Naming times and standardized norms for the Italian PD/DPSS set of 266 pictures: Direct comparisons with American, English, French, and Spanish published databases
R Dell’Acqua, L Lotto, R Job
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 32 (4), 588-615, 2000
L2 vocabulary acquisition in children: Effects of learning method and cognate status
C Tonzar, L Lotto, R Job
Language learning 59 (3), 623-646, 2009
Mentalizing in economic decision-making
D Polezzi, I Daum, E Rubaltelli, L Lotto, C Civai, G Sartori, R Rumiati
Behavioural brain research 190 (2), 218-223, 2008
Grammatical gender is selected in bare noun production: Evidence from the picture–word interference paradigm
R Cubelli, L Lotto, D Paolieri, M Girelli, R Job
Journal of Memory and Language 53 (1), 42-59, 2005
The effect of grammatical gender on object categorization.
R Cubelli, D Paolieri, L Lotto, R Job
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 37 (2), 449, 2011
A new set of moral dilemmas: Norms for moral acceptability, decision times, and emotional salience
L Lotto, A Manfrinati, M Sarlo
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 27 (1), 57-65, 2014
Temporal dynamics of cognitive–emotional interplay in moral decision-making
M Sarlo, L Lotto, A Manfrinati, R Rumiati, G Gallicchio, D Palomba
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 24 (4), 1018-1029, 2012
Predicting outcomes of decisions in the brain
D Polezzi, L Lotto, I Daum, G Sartori, R Rumiati
Behavioural brain research 187 (1), 116-122, 2008
If it makes you feel bad, don't do it! Egoistic rather than altruistic empathy modulates neural and behavioral responses in moral dilemmas
M Sarlo, L Lotto, R Rumiati, D Palomba
Physiology & behavior 130, 127-134, 2014
It's immoral, but I'd do it! Psychopathy traits affect decision‐making in sacrificial dilemmas and in everyday moral situations
C Pletti, L Lotto, G Buodo, M Sarlo
British Journal of Psychology 108 (2), 351-368, 2017
The picture superiority effect in categorization: Visual or semantic?
R Job, R Rumiati, L Lotto
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 18 (5), 1019, 1992
Grammatical gender processing in Italian and Spanish bilinguals
D Paolieri, R Cubelli, P Macizo, T Bajo, L Lotto, R Job
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (8), 1631-1645, 2010
Regulation of emotions in the helping professions: nature, antecedents and consequences
V Lucia Zammuner, L Lotto, C Galli
Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health 2 (1), 43-55, 2003
Le figure PD/DPSS. Misure di accordo sul nome, tipicità, familiarità, età di acquisizione e tempi di denominazione per 266 figure
L Lotto, R Dell'Acqua, R Job
Giornale italiano di psicologia 28 (1), 193-210, 2001
Bowel function and quality of life after local excision or total mesorectal excision following chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer
S Pucciarelli, F Giandomenico, A De Paoli, T Gavaruzzi, L Lotto, ...
Journal of British Surgery 104 (1), 138-147, 2017
Moral dilemmas and moral principles: When emotion and cognition unite
A Manfrinati, L Lotto, M Sarlo, D Palomba, R Rumiati
Cognition & emotion 27 (7), 1276-1291, 2013
Differential effects of grammatical gender and gender inflection in bare noun production
D Paolieri, L Lotto, D Leoncini, R Cubelli, R Job
British Journal of Psychology 102 (1), 19-36, 2011
Grammatical gender processing in romance languages: Evidence from bare noun production in Italian and Spanish
D Paolieri, L Lotto, L Morales, T Bajo, R Cubelli, R Job
European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 22 (3), 335-347, 2010
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20