Moreno Mancosu
Moreno Mancosu
University of Turin, Collegio Carlo Alberto
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Believing in conspiracy theories: Evidence from an exploratory analysis of Italian survey data
M Mancosu, S Vassallo, C Vezzoni
South European Society and Politics 22 (3), 327-344, 2017
The impact of political sophistication and motivated reasoning on misinformation
F Vegetti, M Mancosu
Political Communication 37 (5), 678-695, 2020
What you can scrape and what is right to scrape: A proposal for a tool to collect public Facebook data
M Mancosu, F Vegetti
Social Media+ Society 6 (3), 2056305120940703, 2020
Terrorist attacks and Europeans’ attitudes towards immigrants: An experimental approach
M Ferrín, M Mancosu, TM Cappiali
European Journal of Political Research 59 (3), 491-516, 2020
The spreading of cohabitation as a diffusion process: Evidence from Italy
R Guetto, M Mancosu, S Scherer, G Torricelli
European Journal of Population 32, 661-686, 2016
Populism and the gender gap: Comparing digital engagement with populist and non-populist Facebook pages in France, Italy, and Spain
G Bobba, C Cremonesi, M Mancosu, A Seddone
The International Journal of Press/Politics 23 (4), 458-475, 2018
“Is it the message or the messenger?”: Conspiracy endorsement and media sources
M Mancosu, F Vegetti
Social Science Computer Review 39 (6), 1203-1217, 2021
Using deep-learning algorithms to derive basic characteristics of social media users: The Brexit campaign as a case study
M Mancosu, G Bobba
Plos one 14 (1), e0211013, 2019
Diffusion processes and discussion networks: An analysis of the propensity to vote for the 5 Star Movement in the 2013 Italian election
C Vezzoni, M Mancosu
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 26 (1), 1-21, 2016
Terrorist attacks, stereotyping, and attitudes toward immigrants: The case of the Manchester bombing
M Mancosu, M Ferrin Pereira
Social science quarterly 102 (1), 420-432, 2021
The life cycle of conspiracy theories: Evidence from a long-term panel survey on conspiracy beliefs in Italy
M Mancosu, S Vassallo
Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 52 (1 …, 2022
Populism, emotionalized blame attribution and selective exposure in social media. A comparative analysis of Italy and UK
M Mancosu
Comunicazione politica 19 (1), 73-92, 2018
Political consequences of conspiratorial thinking: evidence from 2016 Italian constitutional referendum
M Mancosu, R Ladini, S Vassallo
Acta Politica 56, 69-88, 2021
Actor‐partner interdependence models (APIM) and voting behavior: Methodology and applications
M Mancosu, C Vezzoni
Political Psychology 39 (1), 163-176, 2018
The European Union in the media coverage of the 2019 European election campaign in Italy: towards the Europeanization of the Italian public sphere
C Cremonesi, A Seddone, G Bobba, M Mancosu
Journal of Modern Italian Studies 24 (5), 668-690, 2019
‘Short is better’. Evaluating the attentiveness of online respondents through screener questions in a real survey environment
M Mancosu, R Ladini, C Vezzoni
Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique …, 2019
Populist communication on social media
S Bennett, A Lipiński, A Stępińska, D Abadi, M Baloge, G Bobba, ...
Electoral participation, disagreement, and diversity in social networks: A matter of intimacy?
R Ladini, M Mancosu, C Vezzoni
Communication Research 47 (7), 1056-1078, 2020
Populist parties in contemporary Europe
M Kubát, M Mejstřík, N Hubé, M Baloge, G Bobba, D Castillero, ...
Centre for social sciences; Hungarian academy of sciences, 2020
Geographical context, interest in politics and voting behaviour: the case of the Northern League in Italy
M Mancosu
Contemporary Italian Politics 6 (2), 131-146, 2014
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