Chris Laumann
Chris Laumann
Boston University
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Many-body localization in dipolar systems
NY Yao, CR Laumann, S Gopalakrishnan, M Knap, M Mueller, EA Demler, ...
Physical review letters 113 (24), 243002, 2014
Many-body localization and symmetry-protected topological order
A Chandran, V Khemani, CR Laumann, SL Sondhi
Physical Review B 89 (14), 144201, 2014
Signatures of integrability in the dynamics of Rydberg-blockaded chains
V Khemani, CR Laumann, A Chandran
Physical Review B 99 (16), 161101, 2019
Realizing fractional Chern insulators in dipolar spin systems
NY Yao, AV Gorshkov, CR Laumann, AM Läuchli, J Ye, MD Lukin
Physical review letters 110 (18), 185302, 2013
Interferometric probes of many-body localization
M Serbyn, M Knap, S Gopalakrishnan, Z Papić, NY Yao, CR Laumann, ...
Physical review letters 113 (14), 147204, 2014
Quasi-many-body localization in translation-invariant systems
NY Yao, CR Laumann, JI Cirac, MD Lukin, JE Moore
Physical review letters 117 (24), 240601, 2016
Topological phases and quantum computation
A Kitaev, C Laumann
Exact methods in low-dimensional statistical physics and quantum computing …, 2010
Many-body mobility edge in a mean-field quantum spin glass
CR Laumann, A Pal, A Scardicchio
Physical review letters 113 (20), 200405, 2014
Achievement of target gain larger than unity in an inertial fusion experiment
H Abu-Shawareb, R Acree, P Adams, J Adams, B Addis, R Aden, P Adrian, ...
Physical Review Letters 132 (6), 065102, 2024
Topological flat bands from dipolar spin systems
NY Yao, CR Laumann, AV Gorshkov, SD Bennett, E Demler, P Zoller, ...
Physical review letters 109 (26), 266804, 2012
Long coherence times for edge spins
J Kemp, NY Yao, CR Laumann, P Fendley
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2017 (6), 063105, 2017
Many-body localization beyond eigenstates in all dimensions
A Chandran, A Pal, CR Laumann, A Scardicchio
Physical Review B 94 (14), 144203, 2016
Topologically protected quantum state transfer in a chiral spin liquid
NY Yao, CR Laumann, AV Gorshkov, H Weimer, L Jiang, JI Cirac, P Zoller, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 1585, 2013
Quantum annealing: The fastest route to quantum computation?
CR Laumann, R Moessner, A Scardicchio, SL Sondhi
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 224 (1), 75-88, 2015
Emergent hydrodynamics in a strongly interacting dipolar spin ensemble
C Zu, F Machado, B Ye, S Choi, B Kobrin, T Mittiga, S Hsieh, ...
Nature 597 (7874), 45-50, 2021
Quantum adiabatic algorithm and scaling of gaps at first-order quantum phase transitions
CR Laumann, R Moessner, A Scardicchio, SL Sondhi
Physical review letters 109 (3), 030502, 2012
SU (2)-invariant spin liquids on the triangular lattice with spinful Majorana excitations
RR Biswas, L Fu, CR Laumann, S Sachdev
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (24), 245131, 2011
Cavity method for quantum spin glasses on the Bethe lattice
C Laumann, A Scardicchio, SL Sondhi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (13), 134424, 2008
Finite size scaling bounds on many-body localized phase transitions
A Chandran, CR Laumann, V Oganesyan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.04285, 2015
Thermal inclusions: how one spin can destroy a many-body localized phase
P Ponte, CR Laumann, DA Huse, A Chandran
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2017
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