Chiara Franzoni
Chiara Franzoni
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Internal social capital and the attraction of early contributions in crowdfunding
MG Colombo, C Franzoni, C Rossi–Lamastra
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 39 (1), 75-100, 2015
Crowd science: The organization of scientific research in open collaborative projects
C Franzoni, H Sauermann
Research policy 43 (1), 1-20, 2014
Crowd science user contribution patterns and their implications
H Sauermann, C Franzoni
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 112 (3), 679-684, 2015
Foreign-born scientists: mobility patterns for 16 countries
C Franzoni, G Scellato, P Stephan
Nature biotechnology 30 (12), 1250-1253, 2012
Changing incentives to publish
C Franzoni, G Scellato, P Stephan
Science 333 (6043), 702-703, 2011
If star scientists do not patent: The effect of productivity, basicness and impact on the decision to patent in the academic world
M Calderini, C Franzoni, A Vezzulli
Research Policy 36 (3), 303-319, 2007
The mover’s advantage: The superior performance of migrant scientists
C Franzoni, G Scellato, P Stephan
Economics Letters 122 (1), 89-93, 2014
Migrant scientists and international networks
G Scellato, C Franzoni, P Stephan
Research Policy 44 (1), 108-120, 2015
Academic entrepreneurs: critical issues and lessons for Europe
C Franzoni, F Lissoni
Universities, knowledge transfer and regional development: Geography …, 2009
Crowdfunding scientific research: Descriptive insights and correlates of funding success
H Sauermann, C Franzoni, K Shafi
PloS one 14 (1), e0208384, 2019
Workforce composition and innovation: how diversity in employees’ ethnic and educational backgrounds facilitates firm‐level innovativeness
A Mohammadi, A Broström, C Franzoni
Journal of Product Innovation Management 34 (4), 406-426, 2017
How pro-social framing affects the success of crowdfunding projects: The role of emphasis and information crowdedness
D Defazio, C Franzoni, C Rossi-Lamastra
Journal of Business Ethics 171, 357-378, 2021
Foreign born scientists: Mobility patterns for sixteen countries
C Franzoni, G Scellato, P Stephan
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2012
Bridges or isolates? Investigating the social networks of academic inventors
E Forti, C Franzoni, M Sobrero
Research Policy 42 (8), 1378-1388, 2013
Is academic patenting detrimental to high quality research
M Calderini, C Franzoni
An empirical analysis of the relationship between scientific careers and …, 2004
International mobility of research scientists: Lessons from GlobSci
C Franzoni, G Scellato, P Stephan
Global mobility of research scientists, 35-65, 2015
Counterfeiting in digital technologies: An empirical analysis of the economic performance and innovative activities of affected companies
V Butticè, F Caviggioli, C Franzoni, G Scellato, P Stryszowski, N Thumm
Research Policy 49 (5), 103959, 2020
The grace period in international patent law and its effect on the timing of disclosure
C Franzoni, G Scellato
Research policy 39 (2), 200-213, 2010
Global competition for scientific talent: Evidence from location decisions of PhDs and postdocs in 16 countries
P Stephan, C Franzoni, G Scellato
Industrial and Corporate Change 25 (3), 457-485, 2016
Going radical: producing and transferring disruptive innovation
MG Colombo, C Franzoni, R Veugelers
The Journal of Technology Transfer 40, 663-669, 2015
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Articles 1–20