Jason Hilton
Jason Hilton
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When demography met social simulation: a tale of two modelling approaches
E Silverman, J Bijak, J Hilton, VD Cao, J Noble
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 16 (4), 9, 2013
Reforging the wedding ring: Exploring a semi-artificial model of population for the United Kingdom with Gaussian process emulators
J Bijak, J Hilton, E Silverman, VD Cao
Demographic Research 29, 729-766, 2013
Toward an early warning system for monitoring asylum-related migration flows in Europe
J Napierała, J Hilton, JJ Forster, M Carammia, J Bijak
International Migration Review 56 (1), 33-62, 2022
Semi-artificial models of populations: connecting demography with agent-based modelling
E Silverman, J Bijak, J Noble, V Cao, J Hilton
Advances in Computational Social Science: The Fourth World Congress, 177-189, 2014
Projecting UK mortality by using Bayesian generalized additive models
J Hilton, E Dodd, JJ Forster, PWF Smith
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 68 …, 2019
Choosing the choice: Reflections on modelling decisions and behaviour in demographic agent-based models
J Gray, J Hilton, J Bijak
Population studies 71 (sup1), 85-97, 2017
Streamlining simulation experiments with agent-based models in demography
O Reinhardt, J Hilton, T Warnke, J Bijak, AM Uhrmacher
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 21 (3), 2018
Simulating the cost of social care in an ageing population.
EE Silverman, JJ Hilton, JJ Bijak
Proceedings of the 27th European conference on modelling and simulation, 2013
Automatic reuse, adaption, and execution of simulation experiments via provenance patterns
P Wilsdorf, A Wolpers, J Hilton, F Haack, A Uhrmacher
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 33 (1-2), 1-27, 2023
Statistical emulation
A Grow, J Hilton
Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, 1-8, 2014
Quantitative assessment of asylum-related migration: A survey of methodology
J Bijak, JJ Forster, J Hilton
Publication Office of the European Union, 2017
Design and analysis of demographic simulations
J Hilton, J Bijak
Agent-based modelling in population studies: Concepts, methods, and …, 2016
Forecasting intensive care unit demand during the COVID-19 pandemic: A spatial age-structured microsimulation model
S Klüsener, R Schneider, M Rosenbaum-Feldbrügge, C Dudel, ...
medRxiv, 2020.12. 23.20248761, 2020
Modelling migration: decisions, processes and outcomes
J Bijak, PA Higham, J Hilton, M Hinsch, S Nurse, T Prike, PWF Smith, ...
2020 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2613-2624, 2020
How safe is this trip? Judging personal safety in a pandemic based on information from different sources.
T Prike, J Bijak, PA Higham, J Hilton
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 28 (3), 509, 2022
Managing uncertainty in agent-based demographic models
J Hilton
University of Southampton, 2017
Forecasting Fertility with Parametric Mixture Models
J Hilton, E Dodd, JJ Forster, PWF Smith, J Bijak
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.09545, 2019
Towards more realistic models
J Bijak, M Hinsch, J Bijak, J Hilton
Towards Bayesian Model-Based Demography: Agency, Complexity and Uncertainty …, 2022
Modelling frontier mortality using Bayesian generalised additive models
J Hilton, E Dodd, J Forster, PWF Smith
Journal of Official Statistics 37 (3), 569-589, 2021
From agent-based models to statistical emulators
J Bijak, J Hilton, E Silverman
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20