Laura Stancampiano
Cited by
Cited by
Arcobacter butzleri, Arcobacter cryaerophilus, and Arcobacter skirrowii circulation in a dairy farm and sources of milk contamination
F Giacometti, A Lucchi, A Di Francesco, M Delogu, E Grilli, I Guarniero, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 81 (15), 5055-5063, 2015
Intestinal helminth parasite community in wolves (Canis lupus) in Italy.
V Guberti, L Stancampiano, F Francisci
Parassitologia 35 (1-3), 59-65, 1993
Surveillance, monitoring and survey of wildlife diseases: a public health and conservation approach
V Guberti, L Stancampiano, N Ferrari
Hystrix 25 (1), 3-8, 2014
Spatial niche competition among helminth parasites in horse's large intestine
L Stancampiano, LM Gras, G Poglayen
Veterinary Parasitology 170 (1-2), 88-95, 2010
Strongylosis in horses slaughtered in Italy for meat production: Epidemiology, influence of the horse origin and evidence of parasite self-regulation
LM Gras, F Usai, L Stancampiano
Veterinary parasitology 179 (1-3), 167-174, 2011
Environmental influence on urban rodent bait consumption
M Patergnani, L Mughini Gras, G Poglayen, A Gelli, F Pasqualucci, ...
Journal of Pest Science 83, 347-359, 2010
Are small strongyles (Cyathostominae) involved in horse colic occurrence?
L Stancampiano, F Usai, A Marigo, R Rinnovati
Veterinary Parasitology 247, 33-36, 2017
Spatial and temporal explorative analysis of sarcoptic mange in Alpine chamois (Rupicapra r. rupicapra)
S Turchetto, F Obber, R Permunian, S Vendrami, M Lorenzetto, N Ferré, ...
Hystrix 25 (1), 25-30, 2014
Parasites of the digestive tract in beef cattle imported from France to Italy.
L Stancampiano, D Corradini, M Bulgarelli, G Micagni, G Battelli
Parassitologia 49 (1-2), 101-106, 2007
Survey on endoparasites of dairy goats in North-Eastern Italy using a farm-tailored monitoring approach
A Maurizio, L Stancampiano, C Tessarin, A Pertile, G Pedrini, C Asti, ...
Veterinary Sciences 8 (5), 69, 2021
Cysticercosis by Taenia pisiformis in Brown Hare (Lepus europaeus) in Northern Italy: Epidemiologic and pathologic features
L Stancampiano, S Ravagnan, G Capelli, G Militerno
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 9, 139-143, 2019
A study on some welfare-related parameters of hDAF transgenic pigs when compared with their conventional close relatives
G Martelli, L Sardi, L Stancampiano, N Govoni, A Zannoni, E Nannoni, ...
Animal 8 (5), 810-816, 2014
Redescription of the male of Ixodes festai Rondelli, 1926 (Ixodida: Ixodidae) on specimens from Sardinia (Italy)
C Contini, C Palmas, V Seu, L Stancampiano, F Usai
Parasite: journal de la Société Française de Parasitologie 18 (3), 235, 2011
Host social rank and parasites: plains zebra (Equus quagga) and intestinal helminths in Uganda
MC Fugazzola, L Stancampiano
Veterinary Parasitology 188 (1-2), 115-119, 2012
Effects of two water disinfectants (chloramine T and peracetic acid) on the epidermis and gills of Garra rufa used in human ichthyotherapy
R Sirri, A Zaccaroni, A Di Biase, O Mordenti, L Stancampiano, G Sarli, ...
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences 16 (3), 2013
Epidemiology of gastrointestinal nematode infections in horses in Sardinia.
S Montinaro, A Scala, G Battelli, L Stancampiano
Fecal shedding of thermophilic Campylobacter in a dairy herd producing raw milk for direct human consumption
G Merialdi, F Giacometti, L Bardasi, L Stancampiano, R Taddei, ...
Journal of Food Protection 78 (3), 579-584, 2015
Trichinellosis, sarcoptic mange, filariosis and intestinal helminths stability in a fox population (Vulpes vulpes)
L Stancampiano, G Capelli, E Schiavon, F Mutinelli, G Bozzolan
Parassitologia 40, 1998
First detection of Arcobacter sp. in Eurasian collared doves (Streptopelia decaocto)
A Di Francesco, M Delogu, F Giacometti, L Stancampiano, E Grilli, ...
Veterinaria Italiana 50 (4), 313-315, 2014
The role of density-dependent arrested larval stages on parasitedynamics and stability: Lessons from nematodes and donkeys
L Stancampiano, F Usai
Ecological Modelling 297, 69-79, 2015
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Articles 1–20