franco casula
franco casula
Corpo Forestale e di V.A. Sardegna
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A wildfire risk oriented GIS tool for mapping Rural-Urban Interfaces
C Sirca, F Casula, C Bouillon, BF García, MMF Ramiro, BV Molina, ...
Environmental modelling & software 94, 36-47, 2017
A tool for mapping rural-urban interfaces on different scales, in advances in forest fire research
C Bouillon, MM Fernandez Ramiro, C Sirca, B Fierro Garcia, F Casula, ...
Advances in forest fire research, 2014
Potential effects of prescribed burning and tactical fires on fire risk mitigation
M Salis, G Diana, F Casula, G Farris, O Farris, F Licheri, G Musina, ...
Modelling fire behaviour and risk, 174-180, 2012
Wildland Urban Interface: mapping and wildfire risk assessment
F Casula
Università degli studi di Sassari, 2014
Analyzing changes in wildfire likelihood and intensity in Mediterranean areas: a case study from central Sardinia, Italy
M Salis, F Alcasena, AA Ager, F Casula, B Arca, V Bacciu, D Spano
Proceedings of the SISC, 2013
Respiratory risk among students in an industrialized area of Sardinia: Role of smoking and air pollution
P Carta, G Aru, L Carta, R Carta, F Casula, S Caracoi, A Biggio
Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro ed Ergonomia 29 (3 Suppl), 824-827, 2007
European software tools for mapping Wildland Urban Interfaces in the Mediterranean context
C Bouillon, MMF Ramiro, C Sirca, BF García, ML Fournel, F Casula
Modelling Fire Behaviour and Risk, 243-248, 2012
Integrated Platform for Wildfire Prevention and Management: The S2IGI Project
M Casula, B Arca, G Laneve, E Cadau, R Bua, F Pedes, M Salis, ...
Environmental Sciences Proceedings 17 (1), 88, 2022
Fire behavior analysis of the Anela wildfire (Sardinia, 1945)
C Fois, F Casula, M Salis, C Dessy, S Falchi, S Mavuli, A Piga, S Sanna, ...
Modelling Fire Behaviour and Risk, 132, 2012
Environmental exposure to inorganic lead and neurobehavioural tests among adolescents living in the Sulcis-Iglesiente, Sardinia
P Carta, G Aru, L Carta, R Carta, F Casula, S Caracoi, A Biggio, A Ibba, ...
Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro ed Ergonomia 29 (3 Suppl), 550-552, 2007
Le dinamiche del paesaggio costiero: evoluzione storica delle aree di interfaccia urbano‑rurale (RU I) in un'area del Nord Sardegna
G Pellizzaro, GV Pintus, R Ferrara, P Duce, C Bouillon, M Long-Fournel, ...
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018
Rural-urban interface mapping and improvement of forest fire prevention and preparedness
C Bouillon, S Cane, F Trebini, A Derudas, MMF Ramiro, C Sirca, ...
AF3 Forest fires models workshops, 2, 2017
Un outil SIG axé sur les risques d'incendies de forêt pour la cartographie des interfaces rurales-urbaines
C Sirca, F Casula, C Bouillon, BF García, MM Fernandez Ramiro, ...
La cartographie de l'interface rural-urbain dans l'amélioration de la prévention et de la préparation aux feux de forêt
C Bouillon, S Cane, F Trebini, A Derudas, MM Fernandez Ramiro, C Sirca, ...
Les feux de forêt les changements climatiques et sociaux-économiques en Europe, en Méditerranée et d'autres régions du monde touchées par des incendies de forêt. Livrable …
C Bouillon, MM Fernandez Ramiro, B Fierro García, C Sirca, ...
Forest Fires under Climate, Social and Economic changes in Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire-affected areas of the world-Deliverable Number: 4.4. 7 Deliverable Name …
C Bouillon, MMF Ramiro, BF García, C Sirca, M Long-Fournel, F Casula, ...
irstea, 2014
Un logiciel européen pour la cartographie des interfaces habitat-forêt. Connaissance des enjeux, gestion du risques d’incendie
C Bouillon, MMF Ramiro, C Sirca, BF García, M Long-Fournel, M Jappiot, ...
Assises nationales des risques naturels 1, 44-45, 2013
Un outil Européen de cartographie des interfaces habitat-forêt
C Bouillon, MMF Ramiro, C Sirca, C Lampin-Maillet, BF García, ...
EUROPEAN FOREST INSTITUTE Atlantic European Regional Office–EFIATLANTIC Site …, 2013
D 1.1. 5 Le RUI (Rural Urban Interface) et les feux. Analyse et cartographie des changements spatio-temporels du RUI à l'échelle locale et régionale en relation avec l …
C Bouillon, MM Fernandez Ramiro, B Fierro García, C Sirca, ...
An European tool for mapping Wildland Urban Interfaces
C Bouillon, MM Fernandez Ramiro, C Sirca, C Lampin-Maillet, ...
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20