Francesco Capecchiacci
Francesco Capecchiacci
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Sezione di Napoli - Osservatorio Vesuviano
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Chemical and isotopic features of cold and thermal fluids discharged in the Southern Volcanic Zone between 32.5 S and 36 S: Insights into the physical and chemical processes …
O Benavente, F Tassi, M Reich, F Aguilera, F Capecchiacci, F Gutiérrez, ...
Chemical Geology 420, 97-113, 2016
Origin of light hydrocarbons in gases from mud volcanoes and CH4-rich emissions
F Tassi, M Bonini, G Montegrossi, F Capecchiacci, B Capaccioni, ...
Chemical geology 294, 113-126, 2012
Escalating CO2 degassing at the Pisciarelli fumarolic system, and implications for the ongoing Campi Flegrei unrest
G Tamburello, S Caliro, G Chiodini, P De Martino, R Avino, C Minopoli, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 384, 151-157, 2019
Fluid geochemistry and geothermometry in the unexploited geothermal field of the Vicano–Cimino Volcanic District (Central Italy)
D Cinti, F Tassi, M Procesi, M Bonini, F Capecchiacci, N Voltattorni, ...
Chemical Geology 371, 96-114, 2014
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in soil gases from Solfatara crater (Campi Flegrei, southern Italy): Geogenic source (s) vs. biogeochemical processes
F Tassi, S Venturi, J Cabassi, F Capecchiacci, B Nisi, O Vaselli
Applied Geochemistry 56, 37-49, 2015
Fractionation processes affecting the stable carbon isotope signature of thermal waters from hydrothermal/volcanic systems: The examples of Campi Flegrei and Vulcano Island …
S Venturi, F Tassi, G Bicocchi, J Cabassi, F Capecchiacci, G Capasso, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 345, 46-57, 2017
Deep gases discharged from mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan: New geochemical evidence
M Bonini, F Tassi, AA Feyzullayev, CS Aliyev, F Capecchiacci, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 43, 450-463, 2013
Diffuse soil emission of hydrothermal gases (CO2, CH4, and C6H6) at Solfatara crater (Campi Flegrei, southern Italy)
F Tassi, B Nisi, C Cardellini, F Capecchiacci, M Donnini, O Vaselli, ...
Applied Geochemistry, 2013
Biogeochemical processes involving dissolved CO2 and CH4 at Albano, Averno, and Monticchio meromictic volcanic lakes (Central–Southern Italy)
J Cabassi, F Tassi, O Vaselli, J Fiebig, M Nocentini, F Capecchiacci, ...
Bulletin of Volcanology 75, 1-19, 2013
High concentrations of dissolved biogenic methane associated with cyanobacterial blooms in East African lake surface water
S Fazi, S Amalfitano, S Venturi, N Pacini, E Vazquez, LA Olaka, F Tassi, ...
Communications Biology 4 (1), 845, 2021
Geogenic and atmospheric sources for VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) in fumarolic emissions from Mt. Etna and Vulcano Island (Sicily, Italy).
F Tassi, F Capecchiacci, J Cabassi, S Calabrese, O Vaselli, D Rouwet, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research 117, pp20, 2012
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in air from Nisyros Island (Dodecanese Archipelago, Greece): Natural versus anthropogenic sources
F Tassi, F Capecchiacci, L Giannini, GE Vougioukalakis, O Vaselli
Environmental Pollution 180, 111-121, 2013
A new approach for the measurement of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) and H2S in air from anthropogenic and natural sources: examples from Mt. Amiata (Siena, Central Italy) and …
J Cabassi, F Tassi, S Venturi, S Calabrese, F Capecchiacci, ...
Journal of geochemical exploration 175, 48-58, 2017
Sampling and analytical procedures for the determination of VOCs released into air from natural and anthropogenic sources: A comparison between SPME (Solid Phase Micro …
F Tassi, F Capecchiacci, A Buccianti, O Vaselli
Applied geochemistry 27 (1), 115-123, 2012
Carbon isotopic signature of interstitial soil gases reveals the potential role of ecosystems in mitigating geogenic greenhouse gas emissions: case studies from hydrothermal …
S Venturi, F Tassi, F Magi, J Cabassi, A Ricci, F Capecchiacci, C Caponi, ...
Science of the Total Environment 655, 887-898, 2019
Biodegradation of CO2, CH4 and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in soil gas from the Vicano–Cimino hydrothermal system (central Italy)
F Tassi, S Venturi, J Cabassi, O Vaselli, I Gelli, D Cinti, F Capecchiacci
Organic Geochemistry 86, 81-93, 2015
Origin and distribution of thiophenes and furans in gas discharges from active volcanoes and geothermal systems
F Tassi, G Montegrossi, F Capecchiacci, O Vaselli
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 11 (4), 1434-1457, 2010
Geosphere-biosphere interactions in bio-activity volcanic lakes: evidences from Hule and Rio Cuarto (Costa Rica)
J Cabassi, F Tassi, F Mapelli, S Borin, S Calabrese, D Rouwet, G Chiodini, ...
PLoS one 9 (7), e102456, 2014
Microbiome profiling in extremely acidic soils affected by hydrothermal fluids: the case of the Solfatara Crater (Campi Flegrei, southern Italy)
S Crognale, S Venturi, F Tassi, S Rossetti, H Rashed, J Cabassi, ...
FEMS microbiology ecology 94 (12), fiy190, 2018
Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids from the eastern sector of the Sabatini Volcanic District (central Italy)
D Cinti, F Tassi, M Procesi, L Brusca, J Cabassi, F Capecchiacci, ...
Applied geochemistry 84, 187-201, 2017
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20