Vincent Menger
Vincent Menger
University Medical Center Utrecht
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Cited by
Comparing deep learning and classical machine learning approaches for predicting inpatient violence incidents from clinical text
V Menger, F Scheepers, M Spruit
Applied Sciences 8 (6), 981, 2018
DEDUCE: A pattern matching method for automatic de-identification of Dutch medical text
V Menger, F Scheepers, LM van Wijk, M Spruit
Telematics and Informatics 35 (4), 727-736, 2018
Machine learning approach to inpatient violence risk assessment using routinely collected clinical notes in electronic health records
V Menger, M Spruit, R Van Est, E Nap, F Scheepers
JAMA network open 2 (7), e196709-e196709, 2019
Transitioning to a data driven mental health practice: collaborative expert sessions for knowledge and hypothesis finding
V Menger, M Spruit, K Hagoort, F Scheepers
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2016 (1), 9089321, 2016
Using cluster ensembles to identify psychiatric patient subgroups
V Menger, M Spruit, W van der Klift, F Scheepers
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 17th Conference on Artificial …, 2019
Automated business goal extraction from e-mail repositories to bootstrap business understanding
M Spruit, M Kais, V Menger
Future Internet 13 (10), 243, 2021
Supporting reuse of EHR data in healthcare organizations: the CARED research infrastructure framework
V Menger, M Spruit, J De Bruin, T Kelder, F Scheepers
HEALTHINF 2019-12th International Conference on Health Informatics …, 2019
Datascience in de psychiatrie
FE Scheepers, V Menger, K Hagoort
Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 205-209, 2018
An experimental analysis of the pattern explosion
VJ Menger
Knowledge Discovery in Clinical Psychiatry
VJ Menger
PhD thesis, Utrecht University, 2019
Knowledge discovery in clinical psychiatry: learning from electronic health records
VJ Menger, MR Spruit, FE Scheepers
Tijdschrift Voor Psychiatrie 63 (4), 294-300, 2021
Kennisontwikkeling in de klinische psychiatrie: leren van elektronische patiëntendossiers
VJ Menger, MR Spruit, FE Scheepers
Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 294-300, 2021
Knowledge Discovery in Clinical Psychiatry: Learning from Electronic Health Records
VJ Menger
Universiteit Utrecht, 2019
Application of New Data Sources: Text Mining and Story Banking
K Hagoort, V Menger, F Velders, P Deschamps, FE Scheepers
65th Annual Meeting, 2018
Research Article Transitioning to a Data Driven Mental Health Practice: Collaborative Expert Sessions for Knowledge and Hypothesis Finding
V Menger, M Spruit, K Hagoort, F Scheepers
Implementation of a simulation-based General Game Playing agent
VJ Menger
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Articles 1–16