On the essential self-adjointness of singular sub-Laplacians V Franceschi, D Prandi, L Rizzi
Potential Analysis 53, 89-112, 2020
39 2020 Visual illusions via neural dynamics: Wilson–Cowan-type models and the efficient representation principle M Bertalmío, L Calatroni, V Franceschi, B Franceschiello, A Gomez Villa, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 123 (5), 1606-1618, 2020
26 2020 Isoperimetric problem in H-type groups and Grushin spaces V Franceschi, R Monti
Revista matemática iberoamericana, 1227-1258, 2016
23 2016 Quantitative isoperimetric inequalities in V Franceschi, GP Leonardi, R Monti
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 54 (3), 3229-3239, 2015
21 2015 Cortical-inspired Wilson–Cowan-type equations for orientation-dependent contrast perception modelling M Bertalmio, L Calatroni, V Franceschi, B Franceschiello, D Prandi
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 63, 263-281, 2021
17 2021 A cortical-inspired model for orientation-dependent contrast perception: a link with Wilson-Cowan equations M Bertalmío, L Calatroni, V Franceschi, B Franceschiello, D Prandi
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 7th International …, 2019
16 2019 The Cheeger problem in abstract measure spaces V Franceschi, A Pinamonti, G Saracco, G Stefani
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 109 (1), e12840, 2024
13 2024 The Isoperimetric Problem for Regular and Crystalline Norms in V Franceschi, R Monti, A Righini, M Sigalotti
The Journal of Geometric Analysis 33 (1), 8, 2023
11 2023 CMC spheres in the Heisenberg group V Franceschi, F Montefalcone, R Monti
Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces 7 (1), 109-129, 2019
11 2019 Hardy-type inequalities for the Carnot–Carathéodory distance in the heisenberg group V Franceschi, D Prandi
The Journal of Geometric Analysis 31 (3), 2455-2480, 2021
10 2021 A cortical-inspired sub-Riemannian model for Poggendorff-type visual illusions E Baspinar, L Calatroni, V Franceschi, D Prandi
Journal of Imaging 7 (3), 41, 2021
8 2021 Symmetric double bubbles in the Grushin plane V Franceschi, G Stefani
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 25, 77, 2019
8 2019 Recent results on the essential self-adjointness of sub-Laplacians, with some remarks on the presence of characteristic points V Franceschi, D Prandi, L Rizzi
Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie 33, 1-15, 2015
8 2015 Point interactions for 3D sub-Laplacians R Adami, U Boscain, V Franceschi, D Prandi
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire 38 (4), 1095-1113, 2021
7 2021 Horizontal magnetic fields and improved Hardy inequalities in the Heisenberg group B Cassano, V Franceschi, D Krejčiřík, D Prandi
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 48 (5), 711-752, 2023
6 2023 On the Steiner property for planar minimizing clusters. The isotropic case V Franceschi, A Pratelli, G Stefani
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 25 (05), 2250040, 2023
5 2023 The Cheeger problem in abstract measure spaces (2022) V Franceschi, A Pinamonti, G Saracco, G Stefani
Preprint, available at, 0
5 Local controllability does imply global controllability U Boscain, D Cannarsa, V Franceschi, M Sigalotti
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.06631, 2021
4 2021 On the essential self-adjointness of sub-Laplacians V Franceschi, D Prandi, L Rizzi
Actes du séminaire de Théorie Spectrale et Géométrie, Grenoble, 2017
3 2017 A minimal partition problem with trace constraint in the Grushin plane V Franceschi
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 56, 1-23, 2017
3 2017