Federico Vegetti
Cited by
Cited by
The elite is up to something: Exploring the relation between populism and belief in conspiracy theories
B Castanho Silva, F Vegetti, L Littvay
Swiss political science review 23 (4), 423-443, 2017
The political nature of ideological polarization: The case of Hungary
F Vegetti
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 681 (1 …, 2019
The impact of political sophistication and motivated reasoning on misinformation
F Vegetti, M Mancosu
Political Communication 37 (5), 678-695, 2020
What you can scrape and what is right to scrape: A proposal for a tool to collect public Facebook data
M Mancosu, F Vegetti
Social Media+ Society 6 (3), 2020
Belief in conspiracy theories and attitudes toward political violence
F Vegetti, L Littvay
Italian Political Science Review 52 (1), 18-32, 2022
From political conflict to partisan evaluations: How citizens assess party ideology and competence in polarized elections
F Vegetti
Electoral Studies 35, 230-241, 2014
Perceived economic self-sufficiency: A country-and generation-comparative approach
J Tosun, JL Arco-Tirado, M Caserta, Z Cemalcilar, M Freitag, F Hörisch, ...
European Political Science 18, 510-531, 2019
Left–right categorization and perceptions of party ideologies
F Vegetti, D Širinić
Political Behavior 41 (1), 257-280, 2019
The impact of the economic crisis on latent and early entrepreneurship in Europe
F Vegetti, D Adăscăliţei
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 13, 1289-1314, 2017
Work values and the value of work: Different implications for young adults’ self-employment in Europe
M Lukeš, M Feldmann, F Vegetti
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 682 (1 …, 2019
“Is It the Message or the Messenger?”: Conspiracy Endorsement and Media Sources
M Mancosu, F Vegetti
Social Science Computer Review, 2020
When responsibility is blurred. Italian national elections in times of economic crisis, technocratic government, and ever-growing populism
F Vegetti, M Poletti, P Segatti
Italian Political Science Review 43 (3), 329-352, 2013
Sorting your way out: Perceived party positions, political knowledge, and polarization
F Vegetti, Z Fazekas, ZZ Méder
Acta Politica 52, 479-501, 2017
Findings from the hackathon on understanding euroscepticism through the lens of textual data
F Nanni, G Glavas, SP Ponzetto, S Tonelli, N Conti, A Aker, AP Aprosio, ...
11th Edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2018
Facebook Pages Sharing Populist Profiles between 2019-2020
M MANCUSO, A Marincea, G Bobba, F Vegetti, A ŠKOLKAY, A LIPIńSKI
CrowdTangle Dataset. DEMOS–Democratic Efficacy and the Varieties of Populism …, 2020
Dataset of Electoral Volatility in the European Parliament elections since 1979
V Emanuele, D Angelucci, B Marino, L Puleo, F Vegetti
Availability or disengagement? How Italian citizens reacted to the two-faced parliamentary grand coalition supporting the Monti government
F Vegetti, M Poletti, P Segatti
Polis 28 (1), 61-84, 2014
Migrant penalty in the European labor markets: the interplay between individual characteristics and the regional context
M Avola, G Piccitto, F Vegetti
Frontiers in Sociology 8, 1270167, 2023
Perceived Exposure and Concern for Misinformation in Different Political Contexts: Evidence From 27 European Countries
F Vegetti, M Mancosu
American Behavioral Scientist, 2022
The True European Voter
H Schmitt, EH Önnudóttir, E Teperoglou, F Vegetti
Cologne, Germany: GESIS Data Archive. ZA5054 Data file Version 1 (0), 2021
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Articles 1–20