Jordi Gumà Lao
Jordi Gumà Lao
Centre for Demographic Studies (CED)
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The importance of the political and the social in explaining mortality differentials among the countries of the OECD, 1950–1998
V Navarro, C Borrell, J Benach, C Muntaner, A Quiroga, ...
International Journal of Health Services 33 (3), 419-494, 2003
Early-life conditions and health at older ages: The mediating role of educational attainment, family and employment trajectories
B Arpino, J Gumà, A Julià
PloS one 13 (4), e0195320, 2018
Sex differences in health and survival
A Oksuzyan, J Gumà, G Doblhammer
A demographic perspective on gender, family and health in Europe, 65-100, 2018
Determinantes sociales de la salud de distintos niveles por género: educación y hogar en España
J Gumà, B Arpino, A Solé-Auró
Gaceta Sanitaria 33, 127-133, 2019
Examining social determinants of health: the role of education, household arrangements and country groups by gender
J Gumà, A Solé-Auró, B Arpino
BMC public health 19, 1-9, 2019
A demographic perspective on gender, family and health in Europe
A Oksuzyan, J Gumà, G Doblhammer
Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2018
A demographic perspective on gender, family and health in Europe
G Doblhammer, J Gumà
Springer Nature, 2018
Posición en el hogar y género. Desigualdades en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud entre la población adulta en España
J Gumà, R Treviño, AD Cámara
Revista internacional de sociología 73 (1), e003-e003, 2015
Family histories and the demography of grandparenthood
B Arpino, J Gumà, A Julià
Demographic research 39, 1105-1150, 2018
El impacto de la política en la salud
V Navarro, C Borrell, C Muntaner, J Benach, A Quiroga, ...
Salud colectiva 3, 9-32, 2007
The effect of the economic crisis on health in Spain according to educational level and employment status: Does the duration of the crisis also matter?
J Spijker, J Gumà
Salud Colectiva 14, 655-670, 2018
De la monoparentalitat a la reconstitució familiar: una anàlisi a partir de fonts transversals
RT Maruri, JG Lao
Papers: revista de sociologia 98 (2), 287-309, 2013
¿ Informa la salud autopercibida sobre las condiciones objetivas de salud? Algunas conclusiones a partir del análisis demográfico de microdatos de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud
JG Lao, ADC Hueso
Estadística española 56 (183), 61-76, 2014
What influences individual perception of health? Using machine learning to disentangle self-perceived health
J Guma
SSM-Population Health 16, 100996, 2021
Life goes on: The influence of the perceived quality of social relations on older women’s mental health after the loss of a partner in Europe
J Gumà, C Fernández-Carro
Aging & Mental Health 25 (1), 53-60, 2021
A life-course approach to the relationship between education, family trajectory and late-life loneliness among older women in Europe
C Fernández-Carro, J Gumà Lao
Social Indicators Research 162 (3), 1345-1363, 2022
(Healthy) aging patterns in Europe: a multistate health transition approach
A Solé-Auró, J Gumà
Journal of Population Ageing 16 (1), 179-201, 2023
The relationship between health and partnership history in adulthood: insights through retrospective information from Europeans aged 50 and over
J Guma, AD Cámara, R Treviño
European journal of ageing 12, 71-79, 2015
Are partner's features important to understand health at older ages? The Spanish case
J Gumà, J Spijker
Gaceta sanitaria 35, 193-198, 2021
Gender differences in the relationship between household position and health in twelve European countries: are they associated with the value climate?
G Doblhammer, J Gumà
A demographic perspective on gender, family and health in Europe, 103-131, 2018
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Articles 1–20