andrea venturelli
andrea venturelli
Associate Professor, University of Salento
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Management research and the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs): A bibliometric investigation and systematic review
S Pizzi, A Caputo, A Corvino, A Venturelli
Journal of cleaner production 276, 124033, 2020
The determinants of business contribution to the 2030 Agenda: Introducing the SDG Reporting Score
S Pizzi, F Rosati, A Venturelli
Business Strategy and the Environment 30 (1), 404-421, 2021
Directive 2014/95/EU: are Italian companies already compliant?
A Venturelli, F Caputo, S Cosma, R Leopizzi, S Pizzi
Sustainability 9 (8), 1385, 2017
The state of art of corporate social disclosure before the introduction of non-financial reporting directive: A cross country analysis
A Venturelli, F Caputo, R Leopizzi, S Pizzi
Social responsibility journal 15 (4), 409-423, 2018
Voluntary disclosure of Sustainable Development Goals in mandatory non‐financial reports: The moderating role of cultural dimension
S Pizzi, M Del Baldo, F Caputo, A Venturelli
Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting 33 (1), 83-106, 2022
Assessing the impacts of digital transformation on internal auditing: A bibliometric analysis
S Pizzi, A Venturelli, M Variale, GP Macario
Technology in Society 67, 101738, 2021
Non‐financial information about sustainable development and environmental policy in the annual reports of listed companies: Evidence from Italy and the UK
C Mio, A Venturelli
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 20 (6), 340-358, 2013
Nonfinancial risk disclosure: The “state of the art” of Italian companies
R Leopizzi, A Iazzi, A Venturelli, S Principale
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 27 (1), 358-368, 2020
A research template to evaluate the degree of accountability of integrated reporting: a case study
A Silvestri, S Veltri, A Venturelli, S Petruzzelli
Meditari Accountancy Research 25 (4), 675-704, 2017
Sustainable development and European banks: A non-financial disclosure analysis
S Cosma, A Venturelli, P Schwizer, V Boscia
Sustainability 12 (15), 6146, 2020
Stakeholder engagement: An evaluation of European banks
A Venturelli, S Cosma, R Leopizzi
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 25 (4), 690-703, 2018
Management by objectives and corporate social responsibility disclosure: First results from Italy
C Mio, A Venturelli, R Leopizzi
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 28 (3), 325-364, 2015
The revision of nonfinancial reporting directive: A critical lens on the comparability principle
A Venturelli, S Pizzi, F Caputo, S Principale
Business Strategy and the Environment 29 (8), 3584-3597, 2020
Does the market reward integrated report quality?
S Cosma, MG Soana, A Venturelli
African Journal of Business Management 12 (4), 78-91, 2018
How can CSR identity be evaluated? A pilot study using a Fuzzy Expert System
A Venturelli, F Caputo, R Leopizzi, G Mastroleo, C Mio
Journal of Cleaner Production 141, 1000-1010, 2017
The “comply-or-explain” principle in directive 95/2014/EU. A rhetorical analysis of Italian PIEs
S Pizzi, A Venturelli, F Caputo
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 12 (1), 30-50, 2021
Sustainability strategy and management control systems in family firms. Evidence from a case study
F Caputo, S Veltri, A Venturelli
Sustainability 9 (6), 977, 2017
Walking the talk in family firms. An empirical investigation of CSR communication and practices
A Venturelli, S Principale, L Ligorio, S Cosma
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 28 (1), 497-510, 2021
Sustainable governance and climate-change disclosure in European banking: The role of the corporate social responsibility committee
S Cosma, S Principale, A Venturelli
Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society 22 (6 …, 2022
Tracing the boundaries between sustainable cities and cities for sustainable development. An LDA analysis of management studies
L Ligorio, A Venturelli, F Caputo
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 176, 121447, 2022
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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