Giuseppe Rodriguez
Giuseppe Rodriguez
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Cited by
An adaptive pruning algorithm for the discrete L-curve criterion
PC Hansen, TK Jensen, G Rodriguez
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 198 (2), 483-492, 2007
Old and new parameter choice rules for discrete ill-posed problems
L Reichel, G Rodriguez
Numerical Algorithms 63 (1), 65-87, 2013
Multi-parameter regularization techniques for ill-conditioned linear systems
C Brezinski, M Redivo-Zaglia, G Rodriguez, S Seatzu
Numerische Mathematik 94, 203-228, 2003
Spectral factorization of Laurent polynomials
TNT Goodman, CA Micchelli, G Rodriguez, S Seatzu
Advances in Computational Mathematics 7, 429-454, 1997
Error estimates for linear systems with applications to regularization
C Brezinski, G Rodriguez, S Seatzu
Numerical Algorithms 49, 85-104, 2008
Two-Dimensional TSVD to Enhance the Spatial Resolution of Radiometer Data
F Lenti, F Nunziata, M Migliaccio, G Rodriguez
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 1-1, 2013
An algorithm for estimating the optimal regularization parameter by the L-curve
D Theis, G Rodriguez
Rendiconti di matematica e delle sue applicazioni 25, 69-84, 2005
Error estimates for the regularization of least squares problems
C Brezinski, G Rodriguez, S Seatzu
Numerical Algorithms 51, 61-76, 2009
Block Gauss and anti-Gauss quadrature with application to networks
C Fenu, D Martin, L Reichel, G Rodriguez
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 34 (4), 1655-1684, 2013
GCV for Tikhonov regularization via global Golub–Kahan decomposition
C Fenu, L Reichel, G Rodriguez
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 23 (3), 467-484, 2016
GCV for Tikhonov regularization by partial SVD
C Fenu, L Reichel, G Rodriguez, H Sadok
BIT Numerical Mathematics 57, 1019-1039, 2017
Extrapolation techniques for ill-conditioned linear systems
C Brezinski, M Redivo–Zaglia, G Rodriguez, S Seatzu
Numerische Mathematik 81 (1), 1-29, 1998
Parameter determination for Tikhonov regularization problems in general form
Y Park, L Reichel, G Rodriguez, X Yu
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 343, 12-25, 2018
Regularization parameter determination for discrete ill-posed problems
ME Hochstenbach, L Reichel, G Rodriguez
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 273, 132-149, 2015
Network analysis via partial spectral factorization and Gauss quadrature
C Fenu, D Martin, L Reichel, G Rodriguez
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (4), A2046-A2068, 2013
Regularized solution of a nonlinear problem in electromagnetic sounding
GP Deidda, C Fenu, G Rodriguez
Inverse Problems 30 (12), 125014, 2014
Error estimates for large-scale ill-posed problems
L Reichel, G Rodriguez, S Seatzu
Numerical Algorithms 51, 341-361, 2009
Fast and accurate computation of orthogonal moments for texture analysis
C Di Ruberto, L Putzu, G Rodriguez
Pattern Recognition 83, 498-510, 2018
Bounding matrix functionals via partial global block Lanczos decomposition
M Bellalij, L Reichel, G Rodriguez, H Sadok
Applied Numerical Mathematics 94, 127-139, 2015
Numerical solution of the finite moment problem in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space
G Rordriguez, S Seatzu
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 33 (3), 233-244, 1990
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Articles 1–20