Michele Elia
Michele Elia
Professor emeritus, Politecnico di Torino
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Cited by
Algebraic decoding of the (23, 12, 7) Golay code (corresp.)
M Elia
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 33 (1), 150-151, 1987
Capacity of fading channel with no side information
G Taricco, M Elia
Electronics Letters 33 (16), 1368-1370, 1997
Derived sequences, the Tribonacci recurrence and cubic forms
M Elia
The Fibonacci Quarterly 39 (2), 107-115, 2001
On the decoding of Reed-Solomon and BCH codes over integer residue rings
JC Interlando, R Palazzo, M Elia
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43 (3), 1013-1021, 1997
Multidimensional modulation and coding for band-limited digital channels
E Biglieri, M Elia
IEEE transactions on information theory 34 (4), 803-809, 1988
Lattice constellations and codes from quadratic number fields
TP da Nobrega Neto, JC Interlando, OM Favareto, M Elia, R Palazzo
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47 (4), 1514-1527, 2001
Cyclic-group codes for the gaussian channel (corresp.)
E Biglieri, M Elia
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 22 (5), 624-629, 1976
Digital simulation of communication systems with TOPSIM III
M Marsan, S Benedetto, E Biglieri, V Castellani, M Elia, LL Presti, M Pent
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 2 (1), 29-42, 1984
Low complexity bit-parallel multipliers for GF(2m) with generator polynomial xm + xk + 1
M Elia, M Leone, C Visentin
Electronics Letters 35 (7), 551-552, 1999
The Rabin cryptosystem revisited
M Elia, M Piva, D Schipani
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 26, 251-275, 2015
The optimal linear receiving filter for digital transmission over nonlinear channels
E Biglieri, M Elia, L Lopresti
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 35 (3), 620-625, 1989
Optimum permutation modulation codes and their asymptotic performance (Corresp.)
E Biglieri, M Elia
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 22 (6), 751-753, 1976
On the decoding complexity of cyclic codes up to the BCH bound
D Schipani, M Elia, J Rosenthal
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings, 835-839, 2011
On the inherent space complexity of fast parallel multipliers for GF (2/sup m/)
M Elia, M Leone
IEEE Transactions on Computers 51 (3), 346-351, 2002
On the existence of group codes for the Gaussian channel
E Biglieri, M Elia
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 18 (3), 399-402, 1972
Polynomial evaluation over finite fields: new algorithms and complexity bounds
M Elia, J Rosenthal, D Schipani
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 23 (3), 129-141, 2012
Representation of primes as the sums of two squares in the golden section quadratic field
M Elia
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 9 (1), 25-37, 2006
Group block codes over nonabelian groups are asymptotically bad
JC Interlando, R Palazzo, M Elia
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42 (4), 1277-1280, 1996
Note on an additive characterization of quadratic residues modulo p
C Monico, M Elia
Journal of Combinatorics, Information & System Sciences 31, 209-215, 2006
Optimal energy transfer in band-limited communication channels
M Elia, G Taricco, E Viterbo
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 45 (6), 2020-2029, 1999
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Articles 1–20